Is It Tough Being a Friend? - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

Mar 14, 2019
Would have been better of the story focused more on a gradual development with the pseudo-MC, but now is just a generic harem...SAD
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Okay, I don’t know what this story is going. The premise sounding interesting at first, but the actual execution was pretty annoying (to me). I don’t like stories where the mc is tripping over himself, being obnoxious, and just going out of his way to be an idiot just to fulfill a role. Which is why I was pretty okay with the generic twist. I was hoping the story would use it as an excuse to become refreshing, but nope. The mc is still acting the same, despite the fact that the best possible girlfriend pretty much anyone (especially teenage boy in highschool) could hope for is completely in love with him. I don’t even understand why he’s so against dating her. Yeah it’s not how he expected things to turn out, but he can still accomplish what he set out for. Being the boyfriend doesn’t automatically mean he’s going to become a main characters (tons of romantic interests stay side characters). He could largely just become her emotional support. He could continue to provide advice, remind her to relax, give her a reason to keep fighting, help keep her secret, and so much more. Hell, even sex can help relieve stress. There’s a million billion better ways he could support her as a boyfriend and being intimate and close; than by being awkward and avoiding her advances (actually that’ll only make things more dangerous as then she could become depressed). I mean, clearly none of the heroines can take that position anymore, so why shouldn’t he?

I’m also pretty disappointed that we’re moving into the generic harem territory. The story is becoming not at all what I expected from the premise and now it feels like it’s doing everything in it’s power to make me more frustrated/annoyed. The story right now feels like another “mc is nice to girls; girls fall in love; mc avoids all romantic advances because reasons”. Seriously, I get the crossdressing “main character”, they’ve been friends for a while and she came to love him because of how he treated her as a normal friend. But I’m not understanding how the healer “heroine” can fall in love that fast with him after one thing of advice and with how he acted right after giving the good (but honestly pretty generic) advice. And then the whole thing afterward is so weird.

Something I’d really hope the story would delve into with the crossdressing twist, was confronting the actual MC’s issue with only wanting to be in a supporting role. Don’t get me wrong, wanting to support and help others is great, but to the extent he does it, is definitely an issue. He changes his entire character and personality to make others look better and refuses opportunities for he himself to become more important or forge relationships. That’s not healthy. Beyond everything else, he’s a boy in highschool. He has his own studies to be worrying about and should be doing everything he can to enjoy his youth. It’d be really interesting if after more interaction, the other characters confronted him about this.

As is, I just really don’t know what this story is even trying to be. When I initially read the description I thought, “oh that sounds interesting. Something to go against the generic trends”. Then when I actually read it, the way the mc acted just made it annoying and ruined it for me. Then with the twist I thought, “okay, I might actually be onboard with them dating”. And then with how the mc acted that hope got destroyed and it turned annoying and frustrating to read quick. And now it feels like the whole things going the generic “underdog kind character gets harem for saying basic nice things and being a decent human being”. I’ll probably give it to chapter 10 , but I’m just going to drop this. It’s no longer interesting or uncommon sounding. I know it’s trying to go for comedy, but these scenes are just frustrating and annoying to read. Even the comedy got generic. The cute heroine who’s cooking is hell, but won’t improve because no one has the heart to tell her; wow, never heard that one before. The whole thing just got generic and went the opposite direction whenever I thought it’d do something to reel me back in.

Just my thoughts on it. As always (should go without saying), I don’t really care if anyone agrees or disagrees. It’s a fictional story; literature; a form of art. Everyone will have their different tastes and opinions; this isn’t science. Even the comedy. I someone (well probably a lot of someone’s) finds that stuff funny. For me, this just turned out to be an unenjoyable read, so I’ll stop reading soon.
Active member
Sep 23, 2018
I don't know what's happening anymore
It started off as level 6 cringe but
suddenly (lol) protag friend has massive tits and an identity crisis
and poor MC's grip on reality is fading into oblivion
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
I wonder why this doesn't have an ecchi tag?

Also, he tried to crawl away after being tackled. I can't.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 29, 2018
I read the novel, and its not harem like you guys thinking of.

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.


Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Guy supported so hard, he became a MC.
dis made me remember playing support in doto2, then switching offence items in lategame cuz carrys r sh*t
Aug 16, 2019
Some spoilers about Ryuu and the MC.
I read ahead and well it turns out the guy may be the protagonist?

And ofc the Ryuu guy is actually a girl who is in love with the MC!

Not confirmed MC is protagonist yet where i am at but Ryuu is convinced
Dex-chan lover
Dec 19, 2019
His supporting character role is falling apart in front of his very eyes. And worse yet, it's all because he's doing his role a little too well.
Nov 5, 2018
MC is about to self-destruct,
from Support Character to Protagonist real quick.
Sep 20, 2019
Thank you for another chapter! Guys, please stop spoiling the manga. We’ve only just begun.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 4, 2018
Obviously he's gonna set flags with everyone and it's gonna be a massacre.
Aug 18, 2018
bruh gotta give credit to the mangaka who compressed the entire first volume into basically 6 or 7 chapters
Active member
Jul 9, 2019
You idiot! Why are you keep raising protagonist flags!? How can you return to be sub kyara like this!? xD
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2019
I love all the references the author made. Some of them I don't know, but that Kindaichi reference cracked me up.

At the rate he is going, he is going to have his own harem soon.

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