Is youtube reading my mind?

Mar 17, 2020
Today on March, 10th, at around 5:00 pm, I went into my bedroom, for some reason I got close to the only window there is in the room, and that made me remember something.

It was a video I watched a long time ago, more than one year ago probably. In the video, a man, inside his house, is looking outside through his window, and recording two kids that were at the street. As a joke, He yells, "Do you want drugs!?", at the kids. For a moment, the kids stared at the house where the man is, and then, ran away from there. A moment later, one of the kids return to the man's house, with his mom, knocking at the door. Incidentally, the video was from Latino-America and obviously in Spanish.

So funny , I thought, while remembering the video. But Why am I telling you this?

It is because, approximately, two hours after, at 7:00 pm. I started to watch videos on youtube, specifically, I was listening to songs. And, while choosing songs to play, that video i talked about, the one I remembered about two hours ago was recommended to me.

Why? Although the video came to my mind, I didn't search it in youtube to watch it again. I wasn't even watching something related that video, I was listening to songs. I was bewildered and kinda scared. How this coincidence can occur? is youtube algortithm aware of what am I thinking ?

Or could it be that it is something normal that happen when you watch youtube daily? Old videos I already watch appearing every day and then sometimes it is something I was thinking? I usually think of old youtube videos I have watched but it is no that common. And also, videos that I already watch a long time ago rarely appear again in my recommendation section. Or could it be... that I didn't actually remembered the video, and when I saw that video in the recommendation section, that thought of me remembering suddenly materialized in my mind? Like when you are dreaming, and think I had this dream before, but when you wake up, you realize this is the first time you had that dream. Maybe there is something wrong with my mind.

But that's not all. this is not the first time that it happens. Like two months ago. While driving my car, heading to my house. Randomly, a video came to my mind, and I thought about it just for an instant, saying something like one of this guys reminds of an annoying friend I had in high school in my mind. Later in the afternoon such video appeared in my recommendation, again, for not reason, other than apparently thinking about it.

I might be exaggerating, and this is something that happens to everyone, as a result of watching youtube regularly. But man, it unsettles me.
Mar 17, 2020
No, this really happened to me. I usually forget things easily, such as the first time that happened. I vaguely remember it. So I tried to write everything in details, to help me not to forget it. Writing it in MD forum might make more memorable.
Apr 30, 2018
Youtube recommends you videos based on your tastes. So, if your still watching the same kind of stuff, it'l undoubtedly show you something you've already seen.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Today on June, 31th, at around 19:09 pm, I went into my basement, for some reason I got close to the only living captive in the room, and that made me remember something.

It was a manga I read a long time ago, more than a week ago probably. In the manga, a man, driving his pink van, is looking outside through the windshield, and speaking on a megaphone to two kids that were on the street. As a joke, He yells, "I'll give you an iPhone if you say the N-word!", at the kids. For a moment, the kids stared at the van where the man is, and then, hoverboarded away from there. A moment later, one of the kids return to the man's van, with his dad's ex-wife, knocking at the door. Incidentally, the manga was from Greece and obviously in Latin.

So funny , I thought, while remembering the manga. But Why am I telling you this?

It is because, approximately, two hours after, at 192:09 pm. I started to read manga on MangaDex, specifically, I was reading BL 4-koma. And, while choosing manga to read, that manga i talked about, the one I remembered about two hours ago was recommended to me.

Why? Although the manga came to my mind, I didn't search it in MangaDex to read it again. I wasn't even reading something related that manga, I was reading 4-commas. I was bewildered and kinda turned on. How this coincidence can occur? is MangaDex algorthithim aware of what am I thinking ?

Or could it be that it is something normal that happen when you read manga daily? Old manga I already read appearing every day and then sometimes it is something I was thinking? I usually think of old manga I have read but it is no that common. And also, manga that I already read a long time ago rarely appear again in my recommendation section. Or could it be... that I didn't actually remembered the manga, and when I saw that manga in the recommendation section, that thought of me remembering suddenly transferred my consciousness to my ass? Like when you are dreaming, and think I had this dream before, but when you wake up, you realize there is ectoplasm. Maybe there is something wrong with my mind.

But wait, there's more. this is not the first time that it happens. Like two hours ago. While untying my shoe, heading to my bike. Randomly, a manga came to my mind, and I thought about it just for an instant, saying something like one of this users reminds of an annoying defaultbro I met in the Announcements forum in my mind. Later in the afternoon such manga appeared in my recommendation, again, for not reason, other than apparently thinking about it.

I might be exaggerating, and this is something that happens to everyone, as a result of reading manga regularly. But man, it gives me the hots.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2018
@KaimanKai Look at the Peruvian National museum of Archeology= Museo de ICA Peru elongated skulls with unusually large eye sockets and natural elongated skulls of ancient human hybrids known as the NEPHILIM. Some don't even have Saggital sutures..... Not Alien E.T.'s from another planet but rather inter dimensional..... Dimensions of HELL 🔥 Genesis 6:14 KJV and Numbers 13:31-33 KJV, Jude 6 KJV etc...... Truth is in Biblical Scripture, all you have to do is pick up a Holy Bible KJV read and see for yourself...... Ephesians 6:12 KJV. The very reason for the GENESIS Flood.... Egypt, Baalbek Lebanon, Mexico, England etc..... RESPECTFULLY...... Also Brien Foerster on YouTube....... You said prove it? Modern science cannot even fathom how they were constructed.....
Feb 2, 2021
I don´t know about you but I´m getting ads for popular site Brazzers. But I think I´m not on YouTube anymore since I got in my recommended. Milf releves steps-sons stress? Any ideas what site I might be on??
Dex-chan lover
Jun 16, 2019
Can't say it's that strange. They had two hours to figure out what you're "looking for". Probably have a lot of history data too.

I wasn't even watching something related that video, I was listening to songs.
Songs have an emotional component which I'm sure they factor into their algorithms. Assuming it's been on the back of your mind for the duration of the event, it should be possible to make an educated guess on what you might be looking for.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 13, 2021
Google has algorithms in place where depending entirely on what you watch, read, talk about or even think of, it'll eventually recommend you it somewhere involving Google.

For example, three weeks ago I was talking to a coworker about a new game coming out - and what happens? Google's shoving the game down my throat via trailers, memes, yt videos and etc for the next month before it comes out.

Shit's scary, bruh.
Active member
Apr 29, 2020
Having a youtube account or a soul will let google track you.
It's the google bondage you know? Like what else can you do to watch youtube without getting tracked? Ya keep coming there like some toxic relationship.
Jan 3, 2019
No, this really happened to me. I usually forget things easily, such as the first time that happened. I vaguely remember it. So I tried to write everything in details, to help me not to forget it. Writing it in MD forum might make more memorable.
same thing happened to me once lul but I wasn't able to write it out

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