@Harouki There's criticism and the there's calling the aspiring cook mentally retarded for cutting his fingers while he was cooking for you for free.
You are right in that we should criticise the work of other people to help them grow, but it needs to be constructive so as to inspire them to get better and give us quality content, and not destructive so as to make them quit out of feelings of anger and unworthiness, leaving us with nothing but our own selves to blame for no longer getting what was originally given to us for free.
Mind you, this is my advice for you and the general populace since it seemed like you were misunderstanding the situation. That twinkleshit can get fucked for all I care, he's just another unimportant troll of the dozens that infest this site who can do no better than to pretend fake righteousness and mindlessly insult everything they can whenever they get called out for their idiocy, using an entitled air of superiority that they will never have in their entire pathetic lives.
Best we can do is ignore the troll, advice the scanlator the best we can and go on with our lives.