And, here we go again with bullshit Japanese nonsense. Playing Ninja Gaiden, with Ryu Hayabusa as an MC, in the modern world as a Japanese man, AND a ninja absolutely makes sense to have his main weapon be a katana. hell, have the best weapons be katana's (they are).
But for nonsensical excuses like this drivel, to change a perfectly good sword (better IMO) to a katana, JUST for the sake of him being a Japanese isekai'd mc is retarded af. In what way, shape or form would he be more comfortable with a katana over a western sword, since he's never so much as used a stick (as far as we know) as a weapon. It makes even LESS sense, for a Japanese weapon to seem less inconspicuous than a magic western-style sword... IN A MAGIC WESTERN STYLE WORLD. This shit is ridiculous and takes away from the immersion for what feels like pandering.
I KNOW for a fact this isn't always the case for stories, whether here in the West or East. Final Fantasy, Berserk, etc all use Bastard swords and other western-styled swords as weapons and it doesn't take away from the immersion what so ever. Shit, even the Chinese who love to boast about their short sword ancestors have stories like Against the Gods with swords like 15 feet in length, lmao.
Ahhhh, this wouldn't be so annoying if 90% of these stories didn't pull crap like this. A sword is just cool enough, your countries origins shouldn't matter unless you trained with that style of weapon.
Sigh, rant over. Before I get messages, yes, I know it's not that big of a deal. It just kills me that they do this stuff, for really no reason other than "I'm Japanese, therefore my character should like a katana".