Isekai de Slow Life wo (Ganbou)

Sep 1, 2020
just say i want money not a slave this mc is stoopid you came here for a relaxing life yet you dont know how to achieve it and who tf says im gonna be a slave instead of selling everything they own first this story is trash and its all over the place
Active member
Mar 15, 2020
Don't read if you can't stand cringe that's on par with Jaryuu Tensei. HOLY SHIT, i almost shat my ass after reading 4 chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2020
I really don't mean to be rude, but this manga is like a guessing game " what did that bubble actually mean/ say " 😢
Sep 6, 2019
Honesty, it's getting better, the first few chapters were bad since it seems they rushed through the initial story to get to the harem, it felt like it was missing several chapter in between the events.

Also, who the fuck is Meira? What chapter did she first appear in, I can't remember....

Don't forget being a limp dick
May 14, 2019
Ngl this is pretty bad. More or less just fap material for me atm.
Sep 6, 2019
Well, it has gotten surprisingly better, it went from shit to trash, but something tells me the MC is yet another limpdick japanese beta male....
Jan 20, 2018
"oh no potions got smashed "i guess i'll become your slave even though i had nothing to do with it" 3/10
Active member
Sep 28, 2020
i see a big problem with the bath chapter since sorte performed an action which she shouldn't have been able to...

well authors that violate their own world laws and rules deserve a good trashing because it ruins the immersion and thus the enjoyment
i would have rated this about 6 or 7 because while there are very glaring and obvious flaws they arent that many in number

1-everything from the personalities to the tropes feels forced dont get me wrong the charackters are the perfect embodiment of their respective trope but thats all they are,
no diversion left or right, its like the trope got a face and done

2-the author likes to force certain actions even if they happen illogical or at the price of the plot... like his debt slaves...

3-so much foreshadowing or montage if you subtract duplicate or unnecessaery bits of information then each chapter is only half as long....its basicly a manga that wishes it was a long strip mahnwa

3.5-lastly the author likes to disregard timeline or logic to start events or encounters its like your average rpg where the mob had apparently nothing else to do but stand around waiting to be aggro'ed by the mc this flies well in rpgs for obvious reasons but not so much in books....

well on top of that violating the logic and rules of the very world the author created....
sry to say but that 6 star just dropped to 3 and thats already generous
Oct 25, 2020
Great concept of slaves not being soulless dolls but Sorte? Her antics are just too much - she shold not be able to hurt/ harm her master given there is a slave-contract.

Personality-wise MC is a wimp - start over in another world as an alchemist 😃

Get attacked by an adventurer bc the guy is stupid and take the accusation 😞

Being saved by the ex-machina guild master threatening to never sell potions again - he begs the GM to go lightly on a guy that was ready to kill him 😵

As recompense, the top female adventurer becomes his slave (he intially complains about that) 🙄
-> since the hot chicks side-show tags along, she becomes a slave as well and he just lets her abuse him (no, of course a Japanese Isekai-ist would never discipline a disrespectful slave for they have a liberal culture) 😳

Enter the slave merchant that somehow has a top-tier female slave being wooed by a self-important noble
-> in order to not sell her to the human trash our MC suddenly develops strong enough feelings for her to even risk his own freedom in earning enough to buy her 🤣

MC gets a nice house as a side effect of the trash noble being trash, decides to live there with his now 3 slave-girls (one of them deserving a beating before anything else)
-> cliche "washing master's back" bath scene ensues on the first eveing and MC is embarassed?
Cocky slave girl enters the bath, demanding him to leave -> MC is stupified and endures physical violence that should as per slavery contract be impossible 😠

As @Roadrunner9000 said, author sacrifices their own world's logic for things to conveniently happen while MC is passive in almost every plot development so far (only thing active was the invention of vibrator and him actively seeking out a business partner)...

As far as foreshadowing is concerned: when the trash noble's step sister suddenly came onto MC on their first meeting, we knew she'd be trouble before eventually being added to his harem...
Oct 24, 2020
fuck the dog bitch she is a tsundere slave reminds me of fff trashero not the mc since this ones a pussy but i mean the elf princess that was the mc slave during his first run. think her name was sylvia or some shit anyway the dog bitch and the elf bitch are simmilar since both are slaves and both dont honor their master and both are assholes that abuse the mc for literally no reason.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018


24.12.2019 - 03.11.2020

More translated chapters never. Accept this fact.
Active member
Aug 1, 2020
“Pocket money skill”’s like a contest to think of the most OP skill you could have if you were ever isekaied
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@ruuyin IMO the prize goes to the one with an OL who gets isekai'd and asks the goddess to make potions with any effect she wants. Too bad shes braindead and makes the manga terrible. Its simply unreadable for anyone with two working braincells, no joke.

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