Isekai Demo Bunan ni Ikitai Shoukougun - Ch. 14

Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
@Forikorder they technically did drop several series but the series they didn't drop they have people staff and scheduling capable of doing them again check their damn discord they actually explain the situation and how they are moving forward
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Tych they should drop series other people want to pick up first not subbornly cling to them while others stay dead
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
"LHTranslation is always slow to update then bombards their series with updates after somebody else picks it up"
That's literally the opposite of what happened in this series though? This series, right here, is an anti-thesis to that statement and yet you are somehow claiming they dropped this series?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 8, 2019
@Daktyl only if you're following this series recently. This has been abandoned for almost half a year, and they suddenly release a bunch of chapter, everything under half a day, when someone decided to pick it up. So no, everything you trying to deny is true.

I mean, you ain't hear me complaining here, but just correcting your mistake.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2018
And LHT fell behind...guys, just drop it and leave it be. You have other series to work on that you haven't left to rot for 6 months.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Forikorder that'd be relevant if people truly did it out of love instead of making money off illegally scanlating stuff. Face it, no one that works isekai/tensei (and well, most manga in general) series does it because they like it, they're in for the moolah. It's the current state of things.
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
Ah, I see it now. I hadn't looked far enough down the chapter list to where Soseki revived it. Thanks for correcting me.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
@Rin2k obv LHT does it out of greed, but most scanlators do it for the series, but after the leadership change they made it sound like theyd be different instead of the exact same
May 19, 2020
The title for a female knight is “Dame,” so Illias should be referred to as “Dame Rachel,” not “Sir Rachel.”
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
The title for a female knight is “Dame,” so Illias should be referred to as “Dame Rachel,” not “Sir Rachel.”

That's only a fact since 1917, before that "Dame" (and later "Lady") referred to the wife of a knight. Once "Lady" was introduced for the wife, then "Dame" became a 'female sir', but this still takes us to the 18th century. If a woman managed to end up with a knighthood before that (a lot rarer) then she got the title as well. (But sure, back then "sir" was a shorthand for "feudal lord", and since this lady knight doesn't have any land, she wouldn't be a 'sir')

But for a fantasy world pretty much whatever goes. They should have stuck to whatever Japanese the author used XD
Dex-chan lover
May 23, 2019
MC in ch1 : Please just let me leave safely and peacefully.

MC in ch 14 : Having some drinks, chilling, away from the crowd with my buddy the king.
Fed-Kun's army
May 23, 2020
This manga has the potential to become either a massive failure or a masterpiece, it all depends on the backstory of the MC, I really, really hope it will be something original.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
Am I the only one with whom this just went over my head. The kings "test" was to shake his hand after saying something about his ally?
He didn't even say anything too mean, just that he helped the lady knight a lot and that she was inexperienced. Which are both true, if a bit rude to her hard work, effort and loyalty.

I just looked at the release dates on LHT translation hadn't released a chapter in four months, which is over the standard waiting time etiquette (3 months) before someone else can pick up a series. It was only after the three months that Soseki Scans | Magnos Scalations released a chapter. Then, one day after they did, suddenly LHT started rapidly putting out chapters, usually with in 24 hours of every Soseki Scans | Magnos Scalations release. So maybe they didn't officially drop the series, but you can't blame people for thinking they did, cause they left the series dead but refused to let go claim of it.
Edit: a bad part of me is hoping more LHT scans gets so called "sniped" cause it seems to light a fire under their ass. Nothing I hate more than manga groups holding on to more manga than they have the capacity to translate out of sheer stubborn greed and leaving the readers hanging for months on end. The people working on them get burnt out, the readers get frustrated, snipers (some trolling, some just trying to help)come out of the woodwork, and it's a bad situation all around.
Mar 18, 2020
Dude an act like this is a one way ticket to execution, even in the rare case where the king is chill and doesn't care about it personally there needs to be a punishment to a person who would be basically telling the king himself to fuck off after the king went as far as to start the conversation, don't forget the guy too isnt even a noble, definitely shouldn't still have his head tbh. But still what am I doing shitting on Isekai Mangas, they are literally almost historically inacccurate the majority of the time.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 25, 2019
"A medieval noble man" Excuse me?! That outfit he's wearing has nothing to do with the middle ages' period !
=> This kind of style started to appear around the 16th century and became more prominent during the 17th and 18th century !
Looks like somebody didn't do his homework... Though It's hard to know who made the mistake : The author or the translator.

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