Isekai Demo Bunan ni Ikitai Shoukougun

Aug 20, 2018
@Archiver My theory is that he was revived a second time, possibly warping or damaging his soul, making him forget about being a demon lord. It could also explain why the spirit possession gave him a debuff as well.
Dec 27, 2018
@Glowworm Don't even try to take the moral high ground and spin this. At the end of the day, the scanlating teams, the readers, every aggregate site are all standing on less than stable ground. LHT pays me? Nah, I'm just pointing out what is and should be obvious to everyone.

@Frozard That is true but you're still missing the point about reading only when there is an update that I was trying to make. All these people who felt compelled to trash LHT are only doing so because they EXPECT LHT to follow certain behaviour.
Side note: Mangadex doesn't have a no sniping rule. So it's equal opportunity for all. Kudos to the new group for picking it up. Afterall, this whole debacle enabled the reading of several new chapters.
Double-page supporter
Jul 28, 2018
Hmm. I don't really get some scanlating groups. I'll say the say same thing I said about Easy Going waaaaaay back in the day. Back when they were one of the main groups around, before they basically died. I mean they're still around, I think, but it's nothing like it was in its prime. We, the readers, appreciate your work. At least I do, for all I know the rest of you could be ungrateful turds.

That being said, pick a few series and maintain them. There is no need for one group, especially one group with one person, to be scanning 20 damn series. There is no way you can maintain them all and eventually you are going to slow down/burn out and series are going to lag behind. Then once that happens, especially if it's a popular series, somebody will pick up your slack because you cant scan all that shit in a timely manner. But once that happens, groups act like a beehive that's just been hit and mass release everything they have on that series as if to say "See, I'm still scanning it, look at me!" I can only speak for myself but that's more sketchy than a group picking up a seemingly dropped project.

Readers are fickle. We are going to read the first thing that comes out that's in a decent quality. Generally speaking, there is no loyalty unless something egregious happens such as a group in good community standing releasing content on a regular basis getting "snipped". People don't usually like that. Usually. However, a group picking up a series that hasn't been updated in 4 months is not "snipping" said series, so Soseki Scans | Magnos Scalation picking this up is fair fucking game. I hope they continue it. I also hope LHT continues their work.
May 8, 2020
@FlamingSquirrel Even if mangadex did have a no-sniping rule, it'd be LHT who is doing the sniping. Soseki picked up a manga that was left untranslated for 4 months and was half a dozen chapters behind the raws. No matter how you look at it, you can't call that sniping. LHT was the one who then intentionally tried to get ahead of another group they knew was actively translating the manga.
Now, I do believe the "certain behaviour" you're referring to is more commonly known as "being courteous."
Dec 27, 2018
@Frozard You're talking about ifs and hypotheticals which is unapplicable to this situation since Mangadex doesn't forbid sniping. So what you're saying is irrelevant. Any person or any group can post whatever they like whenever they like on Mangadex. And besides, this is already diverging from my original point. When you say "being courteous" or when I say "certain behaviour", it all refers to the same thing. My original point still stands. People blowing their head off because 'LHT is not doing things how they would like them to' is hilarious. No one owes anyone anything in this space since everyone is standing on one leg anyway. As a reader, you just need to wait until there is a new chapter to read.
I'm not saying how LHT does things is nice but, all those people are overreacting.
Aggregator gang
Jul 12, 2020
Look, I like a lot of the manga LHT do, but for me, having them only really incentivised to pick up a manga that they dropped due is due to someone else being kind enough to pick up the work is a little rude and childish. While they are free to do what they want, and at the end of the day, all I care about is getting the chapters, no need for the politics, I do feel like LHT is a bit of a child who only plays with the toys they want, and if, God forbid, someone else picks up a toy they haven’t played with in 4 months, they will throw a temper tantrum.

While at the end of the day, anyone can do what they want, I just know that one day, something like the “black healer in another world” will come along again, where LHT left the FINAL chapter untranslated for months, and no one will want to do it, as they would all know that the little tantrum will come back.
May 8, 2020
@FlamingSquirrel "So what you're saying is irrelevant."
Then why did you bring it up?

"it all refers to the same thing"
Yes, hence the choice of words "more commonly known as"

"People blowing their head off because 'LHT is not doing things how they would like them to' is hilarious."
You find it hilarious that someone who is discourteous invokes ire? I don't know, just seems like common sense.

"No one owes anyone anything"
Right. Which is why you reap exactly what you sow. There are no favors to call in as fertilizer.
Dec 27, 2018
@Frozard Why bring it up? Because drones of people have been going on about sniping in the comments. When I said irrelevant, it is in reference to your "if" scenario. There is no "if", since Mangadex does not forbid it.
So you choose to take snipits of what I've said instead of addressing the issue I have put forth? That is also hilarious. With each post you make, you're getting further and further away from the crux of the issue. All those people shitting on LHT aren't reacting that way because it's the honorable thing to do by calling out "discourteous behaviour". They are doing so because they can't read the most current translated releases. A subtle difference but a difference nonetheless. They are simply overreacting. Go back and read the posts by others before my very first post.

To anyone else who is still wondering, I'm gonna retype this here again since this is literally the most important thing to keep in mind.
No update? Don't read. Wait.
New update? Read.
May 8, 2020
Okey, I get you want to back away from the points you're not doing so well on. Sure.

If you go back through the comments, you'll see that there were a grand total of 4 comments made during the time when LHT wasn't releasing. That's a comment per month on average. Out of the 37k ish readers.
There weren't any significant amount of people actively trying to read without there being updates, instead virtually all the comments about LHTs behavior were made when everyone already could read "the most current translated releases." Your primary point is also entirely without merit.
Dec 27, 2018
@Frozard Back away? Nah. I initially posted SOLELY because of this issue WHICH I STATED in my first post. You're the one who decided to split off.
My point is entirely relevant and with merit. You completely missed the point of why I told you to go look back. Instead, you started quoting the number of comments made and the amount of total readers instead of reading what is actually written in the comments... Read the posts before my VERY FIRST post.
May 8, 2020
@FlamingSquirrel You made a point about sniping, I pointed the error in it, you went all "well, sniping is irrelevant." We both know what happened there, whether you wish to admit it or not.

"Read the posts before my VERY FIRST post"
Starting from the very first posts after the break, people have been complaining about LHTs behavior, only releasing chapters when others do so, about how pointless it was to even put a timer on their release when another group had already made theirs available, about how they're milking for donations and then appear to make a scene about sniping when someone else releases, there is even an accusation of them plagiarizing other translators, how they're tanking translations, etc.
I'm not going to comb through the comments until I find one that could be interpreted in a certain way to support your point, when it's clear that right from the start that point was meritless.
People are complaining about LHTs behavior, after they already were able to read the latest release.
Dec 27, 2018
@Frozard You misread what I wrote. I said "Mangadex doesn't have a no sniping rule" which means there is no such thing as sniping on Mangadex. I said "irrelevant" to your "if" scenario. Yea, I know what happened but looks like you don't.
What you're doing right now is just pilling on more and more nonsense unrelated to what I initially first posted. You say "comb through" as if it were an impossible task and as if there was a need to.

Listing posts directly above my initial post that trash LHT and the topics mentioned.
1st post by Shirobane: donations
2nd post by ash32121: manga hoarding, donations, sniping
3rd post by GreaserParty: donations, sniping
4th post by IronicWeeabo: donations, sniping
5th post by bigstew00: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6th post by IronicWeeabo: manga hoarding, donations, sniping
7th post by Archiver: donations, sniping
8th post by dmy96: Manga hoarding, donations, sniping
9th post by Keai: Manga hoarding, donations, sniping
10th post by Frozard (AKA You): sniping

You list a multitude of reasons but somehow miss "manga hoarding"? My point is meritless? Yeah, I don't think so.
May 8, 2020
To be exact, you said "Mangadex doesn't have a no sniping rule. So it's equal opportunity for all. Kudos to the new group for picking it up." as if it was okey for the new group to pick it up specifically because Mangadex had no sniping rule.

"You say "comb through" as if it were an impossible task and as if there was a need to."
The expression "comb through" is distinctly different from "a needle in a haystack." Combing through means to search carefully, it's not impossible, it just takes effort. All I was saying that I'm unwilling to expend the effort if you're not going to be more specific about what you're referring to, though I DID go read the first handful of messages just to make sure there wasn't some obvious trend going on that I had missed. There wasn't.

Anyhow, as you can see,
Shirobane's post is entirely unrelated to your point,
Ash32121 is complaining about the LHTs behavior,
GreaserParty is complaining about LHTs behavior,
IronicWeeabo is complaining about LHTs behavior,
bigstew00 is just calling them trash,
IronicWeeabo again about LHTs behavior,
Archiver well, that's actually focusing on sniping,
dmy96, again about LHTs behavior but with the hoarding aspect more pronounced
Keai, LHTs behavior
Me, labeling that "sniping" only underlines your lack of understanding of the issue.

Now then, pointing out "manga hoarding" itself is at very most, if we're being exceedingly generous, tangentially related to the whole "Update: read, no update: don't." Obviously basically everyone was already only reading updates when there were any, and all these complaints about LHTs behavior were raised *after* we got new updates. As I've already said, there weren't any significant amounts of people complaining about lack of updates before we got them, and now that we got them I can't see any people complaining about how long it took to get them. Yes, there are people, myself included, pointing out LHT wasn't making updates for the past 4 months. This isn't to tell LHT to hurry up or complain about the time it took, it's just to point out that LHT had basically abandoned this title. Dumping their hoard the moment someone else picks the title up is exceedingly discourteous of them, and this is the cause of virtually all the complaints here.
Dec 27, 2018
@Frozard Yep, that's exactly what I wrote, there's no sniping rule. It is in support of anyone/any group who wants to scanlate. No one should be accused. What I wrote is as clear as day. Instead, you were the one who over analysed what was written. Then decided to infer I was accusing them of sniping. That's your error, not mine.
"You seem to fundamentally misunderstand the issue. The current grief isn't about how LHT did a bad job back when they were still translating this series. But this little stunt LHT is trying to pull with all of a sudden coming back to this series, that they've entirely abandoned for 4 whole months, the moment someone else picks it up? Yeah, fuck LHT."
Are you saying they are "sniping" and "dumping chapters"? If not, then your post is unwarranted.
Tangentially related? No, it is directly related. When people saw LHT do this so called "dumping" then what happened? You see people SHITTING on LHT for hoarding. They're blowing shit up because LHT already finished translating the chapters long ago but didn't release chapters. There are numerous posts about this, you don't need to search carefully since they are so easy to find. I simply pointed out people are overreacting. Finding out you can read more chapters on a manga here should be a joyful thing. The reaction should not be to shit on LHT. Readers should just -> Update: read, no update: don't. Are you saying there wouldn't be less of those posts if people did this?
May 8, 2020
"Are you saying they are "sniping" and "dumping chapters"? If not, then your post is unwarranted."
You can't seem to understand the problem unless it's about sniping, which you also say is not a problem... You're being a bit self-contradictory here.

" You see people SHITTING on LHT for hoarding."
No, they're shitting on LHT for LHTs behavior, which includes hoarding, but it's much worse than that.
They're actively trying to drive away other translators that pick up the series they've abandoned. That's the issue.

"There are numerous posts about this"
There are numerous posts that you seem to quite happily misinterpret to be solely about hoarding or sniping, when they're describing a slightly more complex scenario.

" Finding out you can read more chapters on a manga here should be a joyful thing. "
Yes, it is. Nobody is saying otherwise. However, finding out that one translator group is intentionally trying to diminish another groups good and sincere effort is much less jolly.

"The reaction should not be to shit on LHT."
Exactly why not? If LHT wants to act like scum, which is of course their prerogative, they will be treated like scum, which is our prerogative. It's that simple. Nobody owes them anything.

"Readers should just -> Update: read, no update: don't. Are you saying there wouldn't be less of those posts if people did this?"
People are already reading only when there are updates. As you can see, there were a grand total of 4 posts, likely from people who just happened upon the series later than others, during the time there were no updates. This amount of posts is more or less exactly the number of posts you get when people only read when there are updates.
Dec 27, 2018
@Frozard Right. Right. People who post about sniping/manga hoarding/donations are not talking about that. Instead, they are talking about rainbows and unicorns. I've always been consistent. I've said there is no such thing as sniping on Mangadex. I mention this topic only when others bring it up to refute them. There is no contradiction. Can you reference 1 instance where I have accused x of sniping? No, you can't. Stop trying to masquerade something that is clearly said in the post and make it out to be something else. If people stopped griefing over the so called "sniping" or "dumping" then it is HIGHLY HIGHLY LIKELY all those posts that SHIT on LHT (after they updated) wouldn't have existed in the first place. Your so called complex scenario, which you keep mentioning, would also crumble away into nothingness.

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