Isekai Kenkokuki - Vol. 2 Ch. 17

Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
@tip390 Agreed, I would send those two to the city and they can make their own way from there. I wouldn't trust them enough to live in the village. If they can do that to their own daughter, how could you trust them not to sell out the village? I wouldn't kill them, but I wouldn't keep them.
Jun 3, 2018
@givemersspls You've clearly completely misunderstood the point that I was trying to make so at this point if you don't want to use your brain there's nothing I can do to help that. I've said all I can on this matter. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens in the future even though I know its probably going to be something that I'm not going to agree with.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
@givemersspls, the parents threw away their child to die. How is this even an argument? Why are you so intent on making people feel bad about their outrage regard this? I didn't talk of punishment, or of never letting the parents apologise, or of never letting them try to make up for what they have done. If the parent had giving their child to an orphanage or left her at a church, I wouldn't have condemned them. But they left their child to die slowing, and alone. It would have been kinder if they had killed her themselves. Not right, but kinder. It's only because of a frigging talking griffon and corpse recycling otherworlder that she's alive today.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
@givemersspls You appear to be trying really hard to justify what the parents did by making up 'what ifs' scenarios. Is it really so bad to allow others to make their own judgement based on current information that the story provides? There are so many loop holes in your arguments, you mentioned that sending a child into a forest might have lead to a swifter death than starvation then talk about how horrible starvation is, that seems like a very ignorant and hypocritical opinion. You forget how much a child can suffer in a forest and how painful it is. Exposure, getting mauled by wild beasts, getting poisoned due to lack of knowledge or desperation, intense fear and ironically, slow starvation by themselves. I don't think any normal child would be so accepting of death, they would struggle, they would be desperate, all these would prolong their suffering. If the parents truly wished to end their suffering swiftly, why not kill their child straight out. The fact that they could evacuate their village now mean that it should be reasonable to ask why they didn't do it earlier but with the whole family.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
manga : *exist*
givemersspls : japan immigration is shite amirite xDxDxD
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
I would be against letting them in. People of the village gave some food to the people in need and now those in need try to take advantage of them. They gave them a hand and now they demand the whole arm, a leg and a bit of a side for soup.

Seriously, they stated that a surplus in the harvest wasn't that great. There are also personal troubles. How about taking only children without their parents? Their numbers and food expenses are smaller and they can learn to be people of the village, not from that assholish curse-ridden country.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 23, 2018
@givemersspls, that explains so much! Please try to understand that we are reacting on emotion. The whole manga has strove to make us sympathise and invest in these children. You've had the training to, if not be impartial, than to see both side. Most of us will not have has such training. Also I can see you fighting on many fronts, but I did say to you "I didn't talk of punishment, or of never letting the parents apologise, or of never letting them try to make up for what they have done. "
Your job is to see both side, but as a fellow reader, you do have to respect our reactions as readers. You need to stop talking down to us because we haven't reacted like you have. Whether you consciously did it or not, you've been picking fights. You didn't simply say that you disagreed, you condemned us for our reactions and our opinions. Frankly, you're acting like a bully. Trying to beat down others until they agree with you is outrageous behaviour from an adult.
You can reply if you can't resist having the last word, but I'm not going to continue this argument. You're entirely too closed minded.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
@givemersspls Precisely why I said 'judgement based on current information'. This is not reality, this is a story. What you are saying is like telling someone not to show contempt for a villain character in a movie until he is redeemed at the end where it turns out he has reasons. In that case, you simply don't understand the point of a story. Any decent story should allow readers/viewers to immerse in it, bring their emotions up and down as events unfold. That aside, even based on your 'logical' perspective, the parents deserved to be criticized no matter the reasoning. They abandoned their child, that itself is wrong. Depending on their reasons, it may have been a better choice compared to other decisions but it is still wrong, especially in the victim's eyes. If a man killed a hundred people to save a thousand others, it is a better decision, but it remains a fact that he has killed people. If he was such a noble person, why wasn't the man part of the hundred to die? This is the basis of argument.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
The children had some basic survival skills from the start, and only really got better once Almus got there, they did have a better chance of living in those woods, unless the Gryphon takes offense. Up until now the Gryphon would take offense to any large groups of adult people, after the last few that tried to take his woods. Now is the only time, in recent memory, that it is safe to travel through that forest.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
@givemersspls There is no 'fatal flaw' because it was an example if you read it carefully, cool of you to pick parts of my sentence to prove your point. The fact that you took an analogy seriously and that you ignore the other things I said shows how childish you are. There's no point in talking if you keep running away from the conversation don't you think so? I agree completely when LVLBeginner said you were close-minded.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
There are several issues overlapping at this point.
#1 is the abandonment issue, which from what we know from the story could have been worse than just leaving them in a forest, the parents could have sold the children as slaves.
#2 is the immigration one, the new village is barely creating its own identity and culture and having a bunch of people from another village come in might affect that, specially because there are emotional ties with the kids, as has been shown theres already 2 factions forming.

all in all, this a very interesting twist, I hope it doesnt get resolved in the story and just keeps creating drama that they have to deal with, but we all know this is an isekai and the MC is gonna BS his way out of it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
seriously though, acting like a mom now and acting like everything will be okay after abandoning her? Well... I guess it's ok if the mom really believed she could survive thanks to Griffon, who knows the true story.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
if they do wanna take over, after the strongest person and leader leaves would be the best chance..
Double-page supporter
Dec 26, 2019
Problem isn't trust, real problem is their inability to support their growing community. They need to find alternative to taking people in. Add conditions, etc. Good example right now is USA. They limit number of immigrants, if they didn't, housing, work problems would arise. Same here. not taking them in and directing them to other village is best option they can take.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 24, 2019
70 people that recognize him as their leader, that guy should be able to crush iron bare handed by now
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2019
@firosahoge if i recall, at the time she was abandoned everyone saw the griffon as evil for having cursed that old village, so i doubt her mom was trying to protect her. Running her into the woods to die makes you feel less guilty then killing them yourself because they "might" survive.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Before the rise of the machines, that is, the industrial revolution and modern times, a country was all about the people. Everything was made by hand. The strength and productivity of a country were directly proportional to the number of its citizens. That's why it would not be wise to haphazardly send those people away. Furthermore, the village infrastructure is actually larger than they currently need, even if some buildings are still lacking roofs. Housing is not a problem. Food is not necessarily either. The only problem might be taxes since 30 people more supposedly means equally larger taxes, yet those people aren't immediately contributing to the wealth. But then again, if the next tax collection day isn't right around the corner, it doesn't necessarily matter.

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