Isekai Kenkokuki - Vol. 5 Ch. 31.2

Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
On a side note: This is not how shadows of planetary sized (celestial) bodies work. I know, it is to save time, but here: The mangaka could use something like that as a template instead.
Cut it, scale it, rotate it, use it as mask. I can't draw shit myself, but it's easy, 30 seconds more work and worlds apart in terms of quality. #mildly_infuriating
Jul 21, 2018
And then they balanced the books and amended tax codes allll nigghhhhttt llooonnngg.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Beregorn: Of a frightening dark moon, that passes between that world and it's bright moon? Or a very small one that is in low orbit, near enough to be still lurking in their world's shadow, yet somehow manages to stay in nearly the same position for the duration of their sexy-talk? If it's the shadow of their world cast on the bright moon, than that "moon" is bigger then their world, which in turn it would be its moon. Or it's the shadow of another moon, that isn't in the panel but cast it on the bright moon. But still, if it would be either ones shadows, their outlining wouldn't be that sharp, but more washed out, because of the distance. Earths shadow cast on Luna is also very blurred and its less than 1 Lightsecond away. I subconsciously tried to make sense of it, but nope. Thanks though for trying to give my mind peace. 😊

Too much text, for a thing, that is mildly annoying (that shadow).
...Wohoo! They got on each other!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
@Qelix the other hypothesis I got was that the dark part is a gynormous crater on the moon, but in the first, 13th and 14th chapter the moon is shown whole. What I noticed is that its apparent size is much bigger then our moon: in order to keep the tidal effects equal to ours, it should be a lot smaller and nearer then ours. If R is the ratio between their and our moon's apparent size, the distance decrease with the third power of R and the size with the square of R.

About the eclipse hypothesis, you are only half right: the blurriness is due to the earth atmosphere, not the distance. A second moon would project a sharp shadow.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Beregorn: I forgot about the atmosphere. 😅 Your theses might place that moon awfully close to that world. Its orbital speed would be quite the looker. As the moons speed in the sky is just below the humans ability to notice motions (byproduct of evolution?), you'd be able to spot that moons movement nether the less (even when it's not that extreme, as in that video), if it's closer. But its decreased mass and lower orbit would give leeway for stable orbits of other moons.
BTW: I know I brought this up, but I can't remember to have ever seen a second moon in this manga. Was there ever a panel that show more then one moon?

Also I'm not sure about the tidal effects. Gravity also grows to the square, if you lower the distance. While its overall mass might shrink, the concentrated and closer mass might create a stronger local pull on the surface area closest to it. I really wish I'd have purchased "Universe Sandbox 2" right now.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
go to a middle school and see how long you can be there without getting arrested.
Im here to throw cold water on you all.
Go to your local middle school and just hang around while asking for girls phone numbers.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
@Qelix never seen a second moon, but it could be small and distant, while the one we see is small and near.

My calculations already took into account the gravitational force. If you want to double the apparent size (radius/distance) without changing the gravitational force exerted on the oceans, you have to divide its size by four and its distance by eight; problem is, you have also to divide its orbital period by 16...
Jan 19, 2018
@boag Obviously, you are trying to troll, and very badly at that. All I did was point out that different cultures have different standards, nothing more. If insults is your idea of a response to my statement, that all you are doing is proving you lack the intellectual capacity for a real conversation on the subject.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
the fact that you cant take your philosophical statement into the real world, proves just how fragile the base of your argument is, and you not even being able to refute the statement and directly starting and ending your rebuttal with an ad hominem, shows just how much thought you put into the response mr galaxy brain.
Jan 19, 2018
@boag Congratulations, I gave you a chance, and you simply proved my point about you being a troll. You stated for me to "Go to your local middle school and just hang around while asking for girls phone numbers." Your little response is nothing more than an attack, and has no debate value whatsoever. All it is is trying to be insulting, nothing more, thus why I said what I did, and you just once again proved that I am quite correct in my evaluation of your abilities.

Since you are just that stupid, I shall allow you to join one of the most exclusive lists here, as you will be only the 3rd person put on my block list. So, I hope you enjoy the company of kronix and DesertStorm, as I am more than certain you three have much in common to talk about.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
Nah, looks like you’ve run out of ammo

Resorting to attacks of character, rather than continuing the argument, does not prove a point.

And your response to Hounder?
>Philosophical statements
Seriously? It doesn’t take too much effort to know that arranged marriages are still a thing in the Middle East and other parts of the third world. Children are being made to marry without their consent, to someone who is older than them. I would rather none of this happened, and yet here we are in the real world.

Please, instead of making a fool of yourself, put forth an argument that can be respected like
Active member
Sep 29, 2018
@boag middle school ??

smaybe you're just too dumb and can't even read properly.... i mean, seriously, it's basic knowledge....

"Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13"

prepubescence to age 13... THIRTEEN, meaning above that is not considered as pedophilia

now we'll check the age of middle schooler....

"Elementary school is kindergarten through 5th grade (ages 5-10), middle school is grades 6-8 (ages 11-13), and high school is grades 9-12 (ages 14-18)."

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
@exogriz Sorry to burst into your argument, but Japanese middle school is 13-15. Also, 9-12 is hebephilia, while pedophilia is somewhere around 5-9, before which lies nepiophilia. 12 to 16 is ephebophilia and everything after 16 is teleiophilia. Except gerontophilia, which doesn't have a well-established age as a boundary.

On the other note, establishing a dynasty is indeed is essentialduty of a ruler, not even limited to feudal societies.

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