Isekai Kenkokuki - Vol. 5 Ch. 36.3

Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@Talismaster: The 'problem' with going for a purge option is that you NEED to be absolutely thorough with it, because any you failed to clean up will definitely become a thorn in your side (guerilla warfare, inciting rebellions in areas friendly with them, etc)

Reading the comments I'm reminded of later part in Bookworm:
About marriage
The difference between male vs female Lord is mentioned in passing, though there was one character who brings up the same reasonings to get married.

Male Lord marries multiple wives mainly for stability in the domain.
Wife #1 handle foreign affairs with the Lord while #2 onward help keep their factions in peace with others.
They do this to make sure no single faction has the ears of the Lord to themselves.

While for female Lord, well, she can only bear one person's child at a time so the spouse in this case mostly act as a backup to fill the duty when the Lord is pregnant and thus want to focus her magic on the child rather than using them to do her usual jobs.

About the purge
There was one in a later arc.
After confirming all the subjects who has connection with his sister, the Lord basically went for a purge during the Winter gathering of nobles.

He was going to kill the children too , but Myne intervened since the children might not be involved (in fact one of the children tipped her off about his own parents)
The Lord basically compromise with allowing the children to be free of punishment IF they basically offer their name (essentially giving the other person the ability to order them around or even kill them if they so wish) to someone the Lord approve of (mainly the Lord's family members)

Some of them chose Myne, though she's reluctant to accept since she doesn't like to have that level of power over someone.
But after she accepted it some others also want to offer their names to her, since it's basically an ultimate show of loyalty and there's a certain fanatical guy who would be going DEUS VULT in her name...
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2019
I'd wager that it's more about strict monogamy on Alnus's side brought over from Weeaboland vs polygyny typical of the classical period where the story is playing out
He's thinking that he should be focusing solely on his wife and any display of affection towards other women is equal to betrayal while Tetra's all cool with her hubby going out to establish more dynastical connections, esp since the 'side-chick' is the key to the crown AND her good (i guess) friend
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@-Kitsune- Indeed. At the end of the day Rigar marrying Yuria is a marriage deal of the highest level, so it can't be cancelled simply by Almus asking the king to do it. Something needs to replace it. While everybody knows the Dibels is a family of traitors, there's no evidence, so they can't be ignored just like that. The good thing here, if you can call it that, is that the Dibels would ruin the kingdom anyway, so even if they start a civil war because of losing Yuria, it's just a change of schedule, not a change of fate. The Dibels need to be dealt with no matter what, so it's only a question of whether it happens immediately or some years later.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2019
@Lightbrand maybe cheating men only. One waifu for laifu tbh. More than one waifu will destroy your laifu.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Ahh Tetra. The ever-mature, understanding, and wise wife, and clearly the first wife in this harem.

If only her speech wasn't about allowing him to take another wife.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
@MangaRockRefugee Or, in my words, he's unable to adapt because "stupid reasons for plots sake".

I never understand when the MCs in mangas have difficulty in adapting to their new surroundings. People do it all the time in the real world, too, and most manage to do it without issues within weeks. Heck, most people don't even notice that they've adapted to their current situation. Of course there are some people who seem to be unable to adapt in real world, too, but somehow it seems that a majority of the characters in mangas happen to be exactly those kind of people, which I find odd especially since in the real world, the people who don't seem to be able to adapt tend to be the "not so lawful" kind, whereas in mangas they are the "I have never even thought of stealing a lollipop from a store because that would be wrong and I am a good person" kind.
Double-page supporter
May 31, 2018
The MC was an Alpha male, he is brave enough to kiss the woman he love, he is brave enough to admit he was cheating to his wife. Much better than those beta mc who can't make any decisive action
Dex-chan lover
May 9, 2019
I'd still, if I were in his shoes, have said "this is not about being decisive, this is about you and me and how it could affect our relationship. I don't want a second wife if it'll cause conflict for our marriage and make you upset. It's important for our own home to be unified and happy/healthy or I can never properly rule the rest of what I am supposed to". But, whatever. If she's cool with it, whatever.

Oh well, whatever.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 20, 2018
So....all she wanted to say is "stop acting like a damn coward!!!"
Feb 9, 2018
@TheGodEmperor @Seink That is exactly it. But Tetra knows him so I think she said the whole "you can do whatever you want" as a way to push him to act fast. Because he inmediatly rejected the idea as she told him "It can't be helped (...), but THIS SHOULD NOT STAY."---> Marry Yuria at once.
And he misinterpreted it and went "(...) I won't do it again"---> I will not do anything.

So she explained to him how their society works and the whole speech was to give him a push, as she doesn't believe that he doesn't love her. She also confirmed it at the start of their talk.

And remember chapter 36.1: BEFORE Yuria appears Tetra said to Almus "(...)I'm not really against it(...) but make sure that it won't break the family". Then Yuria appears, talks to them, hold Almus hands, practically desperate for help (and gives him the "secret" message), all while Tetra is watching everything. And then all the thing with Rigar happened.

As I see it, Tetra is the smartest woman in this series, and she knew that all of this was going to happen before Almus even thought of it. She also knows that the Dibel family is no good, and Yuria is practically family since the Griffon Village time. And this will make Almus king too. So she is telling him to be a king, and act before is too late.

Edit: Errors and mispellings. Also I think the explanation is a projection of the idea: "In our culture, Rigar can do whatever he wants to Yuria if he marries her and nobody else but you will complain, baka."
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 20, 2018
This is bullshit, in real life a woman wouldn't accept her man taking another woman. It only happens in real life due to the husband's power/coercion or religious brainwashing.
Feb 9, 2018
@Kazuraki Yup. That's true (if you don't count some fetishes). This is fiction, and because of that this story can also have griffons, magic and reincarnations. A lot of times real life can be worse than the most horrifying fiction stories. But also many times I find manga/movies/books with an untolerable ammount of bulshit. So I get you there.
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
Some of you guys need to read up on world history if you think a man having two wives was impossible. Genghis Khan, King David of Jerusalem, Manga Ndumbe Bell, most nomadic peoples support polygamy or polyandry.


Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2019
To those saying that polygamy is bs y'all are making me laugh. My great great grandfather had 8 wives, each one's children becoming one separate branch of the greater family, this was an accepted practice and in fact it was seen as completely and utterly shameful if you had multiple wives and children that you could not provide for as a man.

More recent examples include, King Mswati III of eSwatini (formerly known as Swaziland) has 15 wives, while Jacob Zuma, former president of the Republic of South Africa has 4. Then we have the Mormons, who were forced to stop practicing polygamy although it is a part of their religious identity.

However, let's put aside polygamy irl because this is fictional tale of a world different to our own we should be talking about and note something critical that you missed. The setting of this story makes it extremely clear that polygamy is a thing and is accepted, and furthermore (and most importantly) Tetra and Almus have talked about it before and in this chapter that there should only be one other wife and that she should not break the family. It's Almus here who is conflicted due to his modern day Earth sensibilities, not Tetra since she was the one who laid out her terms clearly and with no room for misinterpretation.

Your feelings on it don't matter, if you're offended that she isn't acting like you want her to, that's a "you" problem, not a problem with the plot, as it's using the relationship between Yuria and Almus as the spark for a greater conflict regarding the politics of the region. As far as I see it, as long as I can read something and not have my "where the fuck did this come from Plot?!" senses tingling, it's all good, especially if it's something clearly different from Earth in an Isekai novel, after all, it's another world with whole new cultures, or at least that's what it is supposed be.

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