@Maplereads It's for those shitty people who take the scanlated manga, and repost it in another manga aggregator site or social media. If the scanlator only put credit page, those shitty people could easily remove it and claim the manga as their own work. Yeah, what a shitty people.
Someone posting a manga without a credit page "stealing" LOL I guess we're all thieves here for pirating manga so who cares. Stealing translations of stolen manga hahahaha. Anyway great manga, definitely one for the shelf if I can physical prints the next time I decide to bulk import.
You're conflating two very different things. No scans group pretends that they are the original author or creator, or tries to hide the names of the author or where to find the original release. They put in the effort to translate the series and that is what they seek claim to, the part that they put in effort for. This is very different from taking someone else's work, stripping their name from it, and parading it as your own. Then you go on to bring up piracy, which also has nothing to do with parading someone else's work as your own or stripping away credit for the efforts of others. On top of that, you conflate piracy with theft, which are also two very different things as theft requires divesting someone of their property and digital piracy is utterly incapable of doing that, making it categorically not theft.
> Piranha-Conda.... What a new term...
I will used this immediately....
> Now, i know i will not be afraid to FBI-san anymore.
What im conscious right now is whether theirs a shark around me or not, whenever i appreciate a loli...
imagine having tons of people die infront of you but still act sane and like a dumb idiot. Oh wait this is a comedy manga with deaths around what was i expecting?
but real talk people would have PTSD over this shit or use it for their own good (ig Light)
Anyone else notice that at the end cards, as the chapters progress, more and more of the sensei is being bitten off possibly referencing the amount of chapters left.
The recap pages and all the other crap that gets put in really helps to set the mood, not to mention the tastefully done TL memeing, well done @errorbit you do realize the irony in defending piracy for not being theft in the same breath you vehemently disagreed with someone who claims sharing without credit is not theft, right?