Isekai Meikyuu de Harem o - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Double 3

Mar 25, 2019
@Kaarme chapter 2 he sold 15 swords from the raid on the village and keep 1, if you consider that each bandit had a sword, its at least 21 people, that counting the ones you mentioned that he killed to buy Roxanne.
those are his share from the bandit raid

Using the word murder was wrong, i apologize for that, as you said, 'causalities of battle' and 'legal execution' describe what he did way better that murder.
Apr 26, 2019
@joel7686 Yes, because its well known that "killing people" = "can become a freedom fighter"
I am afraid for your skills to judge other people's character... Don't become a counselor.
Also, you didn't address the toher guy's point: The first 20-ish bandits he killed, he did in the middle of battle. But even then, he did it thinking it was a game.
The only true murders he has commited to this point were the 4 bandits in their sleep + one that he used to get there and attacked MC first.
murdering 4 people in their sleep =! "can go around freeing soldiers"
Moreover... You are asking from him to kill the people in the auction house to free the slaves right? You do realize you are basically asking him to kill people running a legal business right? The merchant has done nothing so far to deserve death. We haven't really seen them particularly mistreating slaves (besides making them eat on the floor, apparently) Roxanne seems well fed, and even was taught brahim.
Same with the guards. Do you also expect him to kill the grannies like the one that took care of Roxanne in the process too?

Just because they are in the slave business doesn't mean they deserve to get killed by a revolutionist wanna-be.
Mar 25, 2019
@Denker-Bosu you pulled this thing about freedom fighter out of your ass, you are not letting it go, learn how to read, i am going to make it big for you:
Apr 26, 2019
@joel7686 You gave a guideline to free the slaves. I am telling you that freeing slaves =! killing bandits.
Just because he is capable (as in, he could and did) kill bandits, doesn't mean he could free the slaves. He doesn't have the mentality for it. He couldn't free the slaves. I am not going to paint over a petty chat here, but I did use bold text for you. You are welcome.
Mar 25, 2019
@Denker-Bosu he can set free any slave he buys, i thought your problem was with killing the owner to get the money back, now i am confused, do you think on this manga is impossible to set free a slave you bought?
Apr 26, 2019
@joel7686 I don't remember any explanations on how to set those free after you buy them, besides leaving it in your will. And honestly, the idea of putting all your resources in buying and freeing slaves, when the system is clearly set up to make them is counter productive. Most slaves come from not being able to pay taxes. 100k nar for a free person, 10k for a slave. MC would either need a constant supply of ginarmous amounts of money to keep releasing slaves, or overthrow the government.
Moreover, from what I remember, assuming they follow the "lets kill the slavers" route, they would still be slaves because magic, and would either end up famished, selling themselves, etc.
There are so many reasons as to why taking the ordeal of releasing slaves is too heavy for this guy its not even funny.
@TheOneToRule Too much of a coward to @ ?
Nov 8, 2020
@Denker-Bosu nah im just directing the statement to the lot of you. It's a CARTOON just read it and enjoy it instead of cluttering up the comments section with the morals and burdens of freeing slaves in the universe this is set in that im certain only you give a shit about at this point apart from the people with popcorn watching you have your hissy fit. So again, just shut up and read the goddamn story. That'll be all, I wont be replying again because I am not a hypocrite.
Mar 25, 2019
@TheOneToRule i don't care if he free the slaves or not, its just that the story could go on a different direction, this conversation lost meaning on the second reply, since them, this dude pulled out of his ass that i want the protagonist to fight to free slaves, and i don't care and i don't want any of the things he is talking about, its like talking to an insane person.
Mar 25, 2019
@Denker-Bosu protagonist can get 600k in 5 days, and most of this money came from being a bounty hunter for a day, if he worked normally inside the labyrinth, he can make the same amount on 2 weeks, with a slave helping him, the time is half, later on the story he gets the dark magic stone
Its a stone that change color based on the amount of monsters he kills, because he can reset his character and apply bonus, he can make it change colors much faster that normal, what should take months he got on a day, and the stone can sell for 200k, if he focus on farming stones, he can easily make a million a week, from that point forward, the protagonist never mentions that he have to save money, or that he don't have enough money to do anything, he even bought a house and filled with super expensive luxury goods, the carpet he put on his house was enough to buy 7 Roxanes
Mar 7, 2020
All these spergs writing paragraphs about morality in fictional media and white knighting for a fictional character. If the fictional character gets murdered or brutally raped or even sexed too soon, it doesn't matter - they're just drawings, and that's all they'll ever be.
Apr 26, 2019
@mattermimic I agree there. As long it stays consistent, I don't really care how this goes. Just don't expect MC to not be MC.
@joel7686"he could bought many more slaves, used warp to get back to the slaver shop, killed the slave trader, get his money back, freed the slaves, and them give half of the money to them, so they could start a new life"
Your words, not mine. You openly suggested he should go and kill the slave traders. Stop acting like I brought this out of nowhere.
Jul 22, 2020
The author should’ve pick 1 of the 2 extremes(1 where the Mc brings her home and just goes to town, and the 2nd one where the Mc build up the romance with a few chapters until the sex) but instead the author picks the autistic child of the 2 options above making the Mc bring her home so that he can lose his virginity asap but before that, the author tried to make it less rape-esque and crammed that god-awful scene of them shopping and that awkard back washing scene in an attempt to build up as much romance as possible in the shortest amount of time making everything so damn shallow and artificial. If that’s what he was going for then he nailed it.

Either make it rape or make it vanilla not this shallow questionable hybrid that just leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
These chapters were painful to read and I went from wanting to read it all night long to guess its time to call it a night.

The author did so well creating this kind of bad ass atmosphere around the MC (him killing bandits in their sleep, not saving the prostitute that was trying to run away, etc) but it was all for nought after you realize that the MC is just a superficial and honry teen.
Maybe the WN or the LN is decent and they just didn’t translate that to manga very well but fuck me I felt like I was reading a Pseudo Indian made, “please show me you bobs” shojo manga . The Mc is living the average 15-38 yr old Male Indian facebookers sexual fantasy’s.

If you liked it, good for you, but I can’t say I relate
Mar 7, 2020
@joel7686 I didn't say nothing matters, I said the scenes depicted in fictional media don't have any problematic impact on real life. It doesn't matter what happens in fiction - it's fiction. They're just drawings, so why do people get personally offended at what are simply imagined scenarios? I could have the same attitude as yours toward those who get so easily offended: if you're upset by stories / drawings, why even read / look at them? Of course, that's a stupid argument because anyone is free to express their opinion in any way, even if it is only to complain and nothing else. Putting others down for their taste is another matter, however.

For those who are questioning the mangaka's taste - that he seems like an Indian "show bobs" type - how new are you to the world of manga? It's perfectly fine if it's not your thing, but don't act like it's "wrong". Who are you to push your moral compass on an industry that has existed for more than three-quarters of a century (or pre-manga for centuries), judging and putting others down for their "immoral" or "strange" tastes? Get off your high horse. Mangakas have been living out their fucked up fantasies for a while now, and people have been enjoying them, many people in the west included. If you don't like it, you're free to complain, but don't put others down for their personal taste in theme and genre.

Of course, I'm not saying this is anything amazing (although I like its implementation of isekai mechanics). A lot of people are justified in saying that the relationship development is shallow. I don't think the point is to depict a complex relationship though - this was obviously created by someone who likes boob, created for people who like boob. It's a slice-of-life ecchi harem adventure with cute girls as the main pivoting-point - I don't think it's trying to be anything more complex than that.

Now I'm one of the spergs...
Mar 25, 2019
@mattermimic the stories represent what the author wants it to represents, if people are upset with a situation or character they are upset against the author ideals being imprinted on the fictional work, yes they are just drawings, but they represent something, as a reader, reading is only half of the experience.

The feelings you have about what you are reading is what makes it worth to read, and talking about things that you like on the story, or things that you dislike is the other half, if i am alone reading something, i will talk about it with friends and family, if i don't have anyone to talk about it, i will just contemplate alone, this is a comment section, this is not "only thank the translator section" i see no problem on people being offended, that just mean that they are immersed on the story, enough that they want to share it with everyone, their opinions and all, the people that are complaining about some stuff here are not saying "you should be angry as well", they are just sharing their feelings, looking for a discussion or just writing feedback.

Why did i typed the first reply
"if nothing matters, why read?"
was because you said:
" it doesn't matter - they're just drawings, and that's all they'll ever be."
Mar 7, 2020
@joel7686 Fair points, I was only condemning those who feel the need to take the moral high horse by putting others down for liking something. About the reply, I didn't say "nothing" matters. The "it doesn't matter" refers to the problems people have with certain material being depicted, not the fact that these themes are present in the story - I should have been clearer there. For example, the twitter SJWs complaining about Shield Hero and calling for it to be censored / removed entirely from streaming services for its depiction of false rape allegations. The same thing has already started with Redo of Healer - some people are outraged and calling its removal, trying to ruin the experience for others simply because they don't like it.

It doesn't matter, they're just drawings. They can't harm anyone.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
dam, a chapter that got uploaded few years agogot this much of comment?
lemme remind you that the series has its own world rules, and the mc aware. even the slavery system are applied for punishment for robbing something. and slave ttreatment in this story isnt that harsh tbh since there's a line. but i must say slavery(like real life) is a big no. how mc's do the bed is up to them. at least he didnt do it by force and asked premission first.

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