you'll be fine pushing to the bottom of the great labyrinth as long as you don't run into anything that can:
outmatch you with pure power
outmatch your buffed speed/reaction ability
sufficiently debuff you
mez/poison you
bind you
resist fire and physical/bladed attacks
anything ethereal that can pass right through you and go for the mage
can turtle you til you're out of stamina and she's out of mana
runs as a group mob and has physical/blade resistance (after all at her level she apparently can't cast if she's distracted)
runs as a large group mob that can overwhelm you with sheer numbers
surprise attack you (admittedly less likely with your dimension power, but we don't know if it's absolute yet so something unfriendly may be able to hide even from you)
back attack you
surround you both
[possibly other things I've overlooked]
but other than that, you're *fine* to push straight to the bottom floor
...that seems like a LOT of things could probably screw you over Mr cocky MC