I love that somebody picked this series up, but they could really use some help with the cleaning (too much Topaz Clean), proofreading, and typesetting (mainly just turning on the Anti-Aliasing setting lol).
Welcome back! Understandable that you’d need a break after so many events one after another
The readability (text seeming faint in areas) and missing pages are the only issues I had
Last chapter we had like 5 pages dedicated just to showing how everyone was making sure Youta knew she was engaged and him doing the whole "oh no " face, this chapter we start off with a page heavily indicating he was upset about it, but then for the rest of it we're trying to write it as not being from romantic reasons?? Now he's upset still but it's about him thinking he's not good enough, but the lead-up to it gives the impression it had to do with the whole romance bit that is now seemingly completely non-existent all of a sudden. I'm very confused, did I miss something?
I'll put this on the backburner until the uploader either reworks it, or someone else gets to it. There's obviously stuff missing, and definitely needs more passes. Lots of errors, or text with edges cut off.
absolutely detest characters like this tbh, just because you're special in the world doesn't mean shit lol
like you can be special and not get the girl. Remember friends, don't be a dick when you get isekai'd, the world is your oyster and there a plenty of fish in the sea