@slazer88 (Minor typos and random info-drop for everyone else.) The scientific name for the false morel in this chapter should be Gyromitra Esculenta, not 'Gyromira.' Similarly, the name of the soup should be consomme, a french clear broth that has been clarified (a process that uses egg whites to soak up fat and 'impurities').The description in the manga is a little misleading when it says that the two mushrooms are similarly poisonous. The toxins found in the two are quite different. While the toxin in Morels is thermolabile, meaning it breaks down and becomes non-toxic with heat, the toxin in False Morels (gyromitrin) is unstable and is easily metabolized by the body into a poisonous substance called monomethylhydrazine, which is also used as rocket propellant. Interestingly, gyromitrin is also fairly volatile, so you can get poisoned while cooking, even without consumption, which is a pretty unique feature. Some false morels (it's a wide category determined by appearance) do not contain much if any gyromitrin, and can be consumed with less preparation. Also, the research is unclear, but you probably shouldn't consume morels with alcohol if you don't want an upset stomach (rip Letze).