@ Nyaaa I guess that makes sense because I can think of plenty of reasons why it would be bad to know. If there is nothing that makes life very precious, but to a degree pointless and bleak. If there is reincarnation racism may stop entirely as you'd reincarnate as possibly anything, anywhere and anyone. Could reincarnate far away from earth too. Though there may not exist other life outside earth because we may be the first planet to have sentient life in the universe or we are a young planet with sentient beings with many planets having sentient beings coming in to existence far before us and some going extinct before we were in our first stages. Maybe none have been able to leave their planets, solar system and further. The only possible negative I can think to reincarnation is people trying to claim property based on past lives. If there is heaven and hell, how the hell would we know the qualifications to get into either. That one gets funny because reincarnation is just a little more sensicle as it is like a conservation of energy things like souls being re-used. If souls went to heaven or hell that would be like taking energy out of the system because where would the new souls come from. Then you might think where did souls come from, do they even exist because we evolved from simple non sentient creatures, babies are basically not aware until later in life and so on. Its fucked up never let it make you sweat.
its just better to think of what makes you most happy to think about life after death. What I would like is isekai wish fulfillment, but not shounen shit, but thin book stuff.
, but honestly I'd be plenty satisfied with reincarnation