@Toloran considering that there are more fantasy mangas where the religion is more interested in inquisitioning your ass (if not outright world conquest) than tolerating....
(note: this spoiler is for a more serious take on this matter. read at own peril)
but yeah at the same time i find it funny that we as humanity are better at writing about religiously tolerant people than being said religiously tolerant people. even my religiously tolerant country is only religiously tolerant to about 5-7 state-approved religion. anything but that (including atheists) is therefore technically a state-defined heresy. and yet amusingly, we still tolerate some heretics enough to let them actually exist because they're muslim heretics...
@Wolvenworks That's just the nips strange hatred against Iberians and the Inquisition.
Wierd given that all we did to them was intruduce them to guns, cake and missionaires.
My guess is that their anglo overlords gave them such a bad case of stockholm syndrome that said overlord's proclivities were also transmited. That or they really didn't like being asked "Have you heard the good word of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ"
@reu can't really blame em. the other asian empire that trusted the "good word" got turned into the current largest state-mandated anti-fun brainwashing state
If cup holds liquid of a decent amount at all, it's functional. I'd like to know what author was thinking writing that part. The lip being weirdly shaped for comfort? Psh, a trifle.