Isekai Ojisan - Vol. 4 Ch. 22.1

Dex-chan lover
Aug 12, 2018
@Potato Pretty sure he's the only one in the room who did want to eat fish at the end of it, but yeah, him getting parasitic demon from eating fish is why the other two didn't want fish after that.
Group Leader
Dec 13, 2019
@GunFaceFuck I didn't say anything about the sniping in my comment now did i? Also how about just don't click on a chapter that's ahead? MD even warns you that it contains spoilers because there's a gap in chapters... I assume you have a brain so try using it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@edwardlou its fine for them to stop, the problem is blaming you, the reader, for that. Saying the readers were at fault when you are supposedly doing it for them in first place (or else you would just not upload it) is the peak of saltiness over the 'issue'.

If you have the chapters then why not release it? Holding it off is what made someone else able to snipe it.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
@bastek66 both places are anonymous (unless you are stupid and link your own social media profiles), both are pure toxicity, both have nazi moderators... and in both you can find some good stuff if you know how to dig, like the 3DS hacks reddit and tabletop gaming 4chan (you wouldnt believe on how much free stuff you can get there). Ignore the people and go for what you want in both.
Feb 17, 2018
Snipers should at least have the courtesy of starting over from the first chapter so we can see if they're really doing a better job. Doing the latest one is just a move to show up the ones that did the series first
Jan 14, 2019
@ShionSinX That's just a dumb comparison to equate apples and oranges. Reddit isn't anonymous. Just because you don't have your portfolio in display, it doesn't mean you are anonymous. You have an account and everything you post will be associated with that account. For better or worse, moderation on 4chan is also far more lax than on reddit. And sure, while both websites can be resourceful and help you get the good shit for free, their primary purpose is for the users to post about the stuff that interests them and talk about it and the 2 sites use very different modes of discussion for it.
Jan 14, 2019
@Broxis I mean sniping is a dick move and I can understand why the original group would feel bad about it, but punishing snipers? For what exactly? For translating the same manga that someone else is doing without the mangaka's permission? What kind of mafia turf shit is this. Being the first to translate a manga doesn't give you monopoly over it. If multiple groups want to work on a series so they can present their version of it, I see nothing wrong. Besides, I don't think it's fair to call Kontol a sniper in the first place because he only stepped in when there has not been a new chapter in 3 weeks (keep in mind, the raws are already several chapters ahead). I blame the lack of communication for this drama. How is anyone supposed to know Striptease were hoarding chapters because their TS had some problems? They should have just hired a temporary replacement. Moreover, the way they handled this was extremely childish. I could have understood if they dropped the project in response to Kontol's "snipe" and moved on but that flex in the credit page is just pathetic.
That being said, I wouldn't mind if MD made it harder to snipe for those doing it just for attention. Like someone else in the comments said, if someone wants to pick up a series that's already being regularly translated, have them start from at least 5 ch prior to the latest tl'd chapter. Just having to translate 5 chapters before they get their epic chance to snipe the original group should be enough to weed out attention seekers from those who genuinely want to work on it.

@Mustang_00 That's stupid. You can sample the quality through one chapter alone. Besides, you are just making it harder for someone to pick up abandoned projects
Feb 8, 2020
just because there's a warnings doesn't make it okay to upload it. Afaik the reason why Dead-chan doing that is not because the snipers but it's because the readers attitude? Isn't it irresponsible when s/he is the one who lit the forest but as soon as people are mad at her/him, s/he will be playing the victim cards. Also it's better for Dead-chan to leave the credits page with something straightforward like " the reason I'm not scanlating this manga anymore is because bla bla bla ( assuming they will stopped the scanlation ) " instead s/he goes " weeks of work just to get snipped, guess we ain't mass releasing then." To us that looks like they admitted that they lose to a trolls and they put that credits page just to annoyed the readers. Striptease and The readers are both immature and if striptease can do that thing just to annoyed us then we can insulted them for being childish. If it was just all joke it's better to clear the misunderstanding as soon as possible since it's already getting out of hands, instead they're still hiding in their hole.

I can still type more but it's seems like a waste of time considering you seems like you're just replied with short answer and " I ASSUME you have a brain so try using it " rather than attacking my intelligence, let's talk about the topics . If you have the intentions to make an argument concerning this matter let's not do that here. Send message to me since I can do this all days.
Group Leader
Dec 13, 2019
@GunFaceFuck Mate... all I fucking meant was without scanlators the only way you'd be able to read the manga is either wait for an official English release or actually have to learn Japanese. So being rude and or bitching about a group makes you seem super ungrateful especially since they do it for free. No they do not have a patreon or anything like that, they have put probably thousands of hours total in projects like these and then share them without asking for any kind of compensation. And what I meant by read my post again was pointing out I didn't say anything about the sniping drama, literally a throwaway comment that you have seem to wildly misinterpret.

"If you have the intentions to make an argument" but you're literally the one who started this, I've had no intentions of arguing about this topic since I actually haven't said a word about it which I was hoping you'd pick up on but sadly no.

Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
here is my "reading between the lines" :

"dead elf scans group will be dropping this oji-san manga ... but striptease group will continue it"

"guess we arent mass-releasing then ... but we will release the chapters one at a time"

but the problem is this joke has gone too far and made a lot of readers mad and they insulted the scanlators , so maybe the scanlators will be dropping this manga for real . i hope they will come back , if they wont , i will just move on with my life .


about the parasites , i guess they will slowly drill out of the bellies of their victims , like the Chest-bursters . 1st , your belly will have a small bloody mark , then the mark will get bigger and bigger until the parasite comes out . in page 7 , oji-san 's hands and belly are bloody because the parasite is coming out .

foreshadowing : note that oji-san keeps touching his belly in page 3 , 4 and 5 .

- oji-san : lets have raw fish for lunch , like sushi and sashimi .
- nephew : NO .
- girl : DEFINITELY NO .
- then lets eat pizza with fish topping instead .
Feb 2, 2019
So because other people are translating this the other translation groups stop? I thought this place was for mustering all the fan TL's into one place since both version can be uploaded and viewed at the same time.
Double-page supporter
Jan 31, 2018
translators throwing a tantrum, nothing new. I welcome the new sniping overlords 😍
Jun 19, 2018
The sniping wars begins !!
If you wan't to do this another group sure does, the world is big and if you can't find in english try spanish those guys are fast sometimes
Apr 29, 2019
I appreciate the translation and i respect the people that do this, but TBH i don't care who does it as long as it is done.

I came here to read and nothing else.

Let's just pool money and have some rando translate it if it comes to that. I already donate a couple of dollars every month to several scanlations groups in Patreon.

Giving a dollar a month to someone else won't make me any poorer.

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