Eh, the chapter feels kinda pointless. The prejudiced customers didn’t admit it tasted good and affect their reputation, and the mc maybe got a new recipe idea, but he really shouldn’t have to MAKE them not lie out of prejudice, preconceptions, and bias. Considering the foreshadowing of something exciting happening or noteworthy last chapter this was so... nothing. I mean I was kinda mad at that group for my boys (and girls), but that was it. And it felt so artificial and unnecessary. I also don’t see why he couldn’t find another new way to make people like Giba meat without someone lying to his face because they’re a mean prejudiced bitch (or why he should to. We shouldn’t STILL be at the point where he can’t spread Giba Meat and only gets the same customers). I’d just like a little faster pacing and more progression when I see a new chapter of a series I like.