Isekai Tensei Soudouki - Ch. 58 - King And Opportunist

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
If that Falkirk lord cuts the way to send reinforcements to Antrim on purpose, it wouldn't be strange for Balud's mother to personally decapitate that lord. The king wouldn't even bother to reprimand her, let alone punish her. Cowardice isn't rewarded when the defence of the whole country is at stake. While noblesse oblige is normally just empty words used by nobles to praise themselves and justify oppressing the commoners, they are still, technically, responsible for defending the lands from foreign invaders.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
I hope that destroying their allies' retreat route provides the king with ample proof that they are a bunch of traitors, and they get killed mercilessly.
Feb 9, 2019
if theres one path they can destroy to block access to that region then there would be a fort there and it would be one of the most well armed and defended forts outside of the capital.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 8, 2019
Yeah, destroying the one safe mountain pass between a place preparing for trench warfare and the rest of the kingdom won't be a nightmare move. I'm getting Rorschach vibes. Oh Balud can't escape to safety? newsflash he isn't the one who is going to need the safety.


Should make the Surigao strait look like a game of red rover.
Double-page supporter
Mar 15, 2019
i still have my reservations about trench warfare. He still lacks the long range weapons for it to be effective, and brawling in trenches goes both way.
And then there's the "strategy" to try to blitz a fortress that has its back against a wall. Dumb move. Even if they win, it'll cost a lot of men. A siege would be much better, but i guess once they declare war, they need to plow through Atrim as fast as possible
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 17, 2018
The logic in there being a completely undefended path between the frontier and the interior of the country makes zero sense and tells me the author has no idea how wars are fought.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
He's going to win by some BS, even though in reality he has zero chances and would just end up dead. The only correct move for him would be to invade before the other side has a chance to make a move and finish the fight before it even starts.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 8, 2019
@Scrwd Going off just the manga and having not read the WN. With the catapults constantly shown in the backgrounds don't be surprised if another fun nightmare tool of war comes into play good ol' Napalm just like grandma used to make. A few barrels worth of that flying through the air and a few thousand men now turn into a few thousand badly wounded flaming men. Good luck keeping morale up when half your army is on the ground crying, screaming, and on fire. Should be easy to hit them as they'll have to deal with a never dealt with before barb wire constantly slowing troop movement.
Jun 5, 2018
While i detest the lord for betrayal, i love his laughing in happiness from richness~
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
While still a dick move, it's reasonable that he'd be able to argue that sealing the pass would block a direct path to the capital and help the country. Now Haurelia has to conquer Antrim, go south through Cornelius and then west and north to get to King Mauricia, losing men and time along the way.
But in doing so, it'll doom Antrim and put Cornelius at a huge disadvantage by making it take much longer for the royal reinforcements to arrive. Something Beaufort and the conspirators can take advantage of. Haurelia could potentially take the entire eastern regions.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
@DaJa-rahrah People seem to be forgetting the fact that Balud has LANDMINES at the very least, and a minefield would demolish an unprepared army, especially an army that's only at the middle ages in tech. They aren't gonna be moving quickly after they run into the first couple mines and lose dozens, if not hundreds of soldiers, and then they're just targets to be hit with catapulted boulders, arrows, explosive, and whatever else Balud has been able to make since he arrived at Antrim. A makeshift napalm would certainly be possible seeing as he already has explosive weaponry, and with the barbed and razor wire slowing them and causing additional injuries, on top of the landmines, the few soldiers that survive long enough to make it through will be bleeding and injured, making them easy targets for crossbows and shit from the Antrim soldiers in the trenches.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Trident Sure, he could argue just that in his own defense, but at the end of the day, he's just a convenient tool for the anti-royals. For the royals, he would be a traitor, so his excuses would be meaningless. He's kind of in a lose-lose situation (in his own imagined scenario where Balud loses by default), unless he actually has the guts to bet on Balud. We already saw his own skin is the most important thing for him, so he's not siding with the anti-royals for any ideological reasons. He's joining them because he believes it's the only way to save his fief (Antrim be damned).
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Get to the massacre already....

Gunpowder for the win literally I guess....

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Apr 27, 2018
Hey does anyone know around about where we are in the novel?

As much as I don't mind cliff hangers, there's been quite a few recently in what I've been reading & they're starting to wear on me.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 3, 2019
Funny, if I were the greedy king, I would help in the defense of Antrim. He even said it himself, Antrim is his ticket to the capital and he is benefited from the trade around Antrim. He even already speculate that after Antrim fall, he would be next. I swear I don't get his reasoning to betray Antrim
Double-page supporter
Sep 25, 2018
@musicfreak12 if by "greedy king" you mean the lord of the neighboring territory, he's not very smart, he's been a pawn of others with dreams of being important in his own right in the capital, and on top of that, his biggest concerns are valid points based on the nature of how war was in this world until MC started turning things upside down in Antrim, and he's never been on good enough terms with MC to even dream about what's gonna to happen to these poor, poor, and still far too ignorant invaders
Nov 2, 2019

Read it again, ITS middle age, of you want to go to other province you Will have more than a week with full of force, so the enemy could keep invade the area with meager defender, and of they hold it, it Will become trouble some for defender to invade it, because they just using all their soldier to attack but they have other enemy that want to make a coup on the kingdom... and using that the enemy kingdom could easily invade it ..

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