If you want to read a summary of the original novel's future plot points in chronological order, click here: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/IsekaiWalkingI summon the mighty spoiler army! Will mc escape on the way? Will we have to endure several dozen chapters of him toiling away with a slave collar (or something to similar effect)? Will the king get his deserved dues?
I summon the mighty spoiler army! Will mc escape on the way? Will we have to endure several dozen chapters of him toiling away with a slave collar (or something to similar effect)? Will the king get his deserved dues?
Someone already gave you a bit of a spoiler, but if you want some more concrete info:I summon the mighty spoiler army! Will mc escape on the way? Will we have to endure several dozen chapters of him toiling away with a slave collar (or something to similar effect)? Will the king get his deserved dues?