Isekai wo Seigyo Mahou de Kirihirake!

Nov 13, 2019
I think the light novel is better. But where can we read it? And what chapter did we stop on?
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
So bad I couldn't finish it, dropped it with only a few chapters left. And I'm a complete trash-panda for isekai.

There's no point at all in this being called or trying to be isekai, it's just fantasy with prophetic visions.

The characters are one-dimensional and static and the story is on rails. The MC is about as trite as it gets. The female sidekick is entirely bland and only there for stock reactions and plot contrivances. The rest of the characters are only there to provide exposition and plot points, ie as substitutes for a protagonist.
Aug 19, 2020
Like most people are saying, it was rushed to meet and ending, and not near enough was fleshed out from the beginning. The concept had a lot of potential, but I just didn't feel much of a connection with the characters. Bruno felt like he had the most developed/defined personality and that's not saying much just following the light hearted ladies man trope.
I'm seeing a lot of people say it was axed and it's not surprising with the lack of flavor. All of that being said, with all the info overload and the pace of the last several chapters the ending was one that got the point across.
When all is said and done, I would have been fine never reading it (I knew what I was getting into with a rating of 6) but I don't feel like it was time I lost or wasted. I won't recommend it to people, but I won't tell them to avoid it like the plague.

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