Isekai wo Seigyo Mahou de Kirihirake!

Oct 27, 2018
Ahhhh shiiit, I didn't see the [end] before...
Wasn't my favorite series, but it was alright, and 'fluffy' enough to be a nice occasional change from some other stuff. Sad to see it get axed... Well maybe more annoyed, I hate stuff getting 'cut off' like this after I start them and get into it.
... Damn I want more Firefly now... And while it wasn't great, it was unforgivable how Alphas ended on a season 2 cliffhanger. At least finish that episodes storyline 😤

Anyway, thanks for finishing this up at least, and the other great releases 👍
Dec 24, 2018
I guess the 'that escalated very quickly' term is appropriate here.

One Isekai ends, 9,999,999 more to read.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 22, 2018
Was pretty decent at first then they rushed everything so fucking hard that it became appalling
Jan 12, 2020
It had potential to become a quality manga, but instead of flushing out plot lines, they cut the lines completely to end the manga in shit tier way.
Jun 4, 2019
Fun ending :) happy to see they have a child

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Aug 12, 2018
That ending felt way too rushed. It feels like it wasn't getting enough good reviews so they rushed to the end.
Dec 13, 2018
Such an unsatisfying ending IMO. No fight, deus ex machina to the max (apparently he's suddenly powerful enough to force his area control over a gigantic and incredibly powerful ancient beast), and the thing that makes the world interesting - magic - will cease to exist. The only good thing is that the protagonist gets a fairly happy end with a family, but it's not nearly enough to take this bitter taste out of my mouth. This manga wasn't anything great, but it still deserved a better end.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 2, 2019
This definitely feels like it got canceled around chapter 30-32 and after that they just try to tie all loose ends in a handful of chapters. I honestly enjoyed the ending and I appreciate getting to find out where the characters ended up, for me it made up for the 3 chapters of boring exposition before them.

I don't regret reading it because, while the ending is rushed, at least it's an ending.
Nov 13, 2019
So, the story starts.. yeah. Felt out of place, and forced ngl, like, "oh no my son has black hair, there is no way that he's a son of a (what i guess is) blond haired man and has low mana capacity therefore lets treat him like he's complete trash and lets ignore the fact that some of the strongest people in the world actually also have next to no mana", at least they didn't automatically yeet him out of existance. Some times passes and we see a small fraction of his "growth" and even then, so early in the story, it felt rushed. Time passes again, our mc-s decide to go do some town exploration and by luck see that there is going to be a raid on a local boss, they (somehow while unregistered as adventurers at this point in time) get to join the raid party, probably because he's the son of the lord and what not. They go there manage to somehow kill a supposedly super strong monster, the ice troll/oger (or what ever it is), all of a sudden an avalanche and then come a fuck ton of them(ice trolls/ogers) and this time only our 2 mc-s and the uncle guy(forgot the name) manage to kill a couple of them fairly easy( ignore the fact that it took the whole party to kill the first one and that our lil heros are 1. exhausted and 2. just got rekt by an avalanche). from then and on the story had a strong implication that sara is deeply in love with evan and that they will most likely and definitely end up together married, that or there would be huge drama like her getting killed or her giving her life for him. nothing else really interesting happens for the rest of the middle portion of the story, besides the scales and that dragon tooth, while the dragon tooth did end up being quite useful (?) the scales were never really explained on their use and from what i could tell they most likely were more like a conduit for the nanomachines to produce more mana for evan and to help him not get completely skullfucked by the eye that he gets later on somewhere near the end. After the whole getting the eye the story gets mega rushed evan gets a mega boost in strength and makes every enemy from then on question their life decisions. The main fight... completely skipped and before it we find out that all the non-purehuman species and anything else magic related will disappear(that also includes evans and seras descendants) which would have more oh an impact if it wasn't just thrown in there at the literary last chapter, and then it all ends with evan and his daughter staring at the dead main villain while sara is (i guess) making a mean lookin sandwich. all in all 6/10

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