I wholeheartedly disagree. He's not some child being out his depth - he's a grown, knowledgable adult (even if currently in a child's body) working in his field of expertise. Even in modern epidemology you always account for people who will not adhere to quarantine rules, be it out of fear and panic, out of seeking a profit, because they believe it's their right to do what they want or simply because they are stupid. Every quarantine ever will try to account for that. And that is in a world where, theoretically, the vast majority of people should be well aware of what is being done with them, why it is being done, and what could happen if quarantine fails.
So when he's now in a way less developed universe, he should be double and triple aware of that being a huge danger. But he never even accounted for this possibility, neither during the planning phase nor during the actual inspections. He even got a warning that people were not taking the quarantine seriously by the behaviour displayed during his inspections, which was only resolved "peacefully" by the lucky intervention of the admiral, and he still managed to fail to take measures. For him personally, all the work it would have involved would have been a quick order to the guard captain or whoever is the executive port authority to keep watch on every ship, or even better, just confiscate all their jollyboats until they underwent inspections. Would have taken him like 2 minutes to give these instructions, and the actual work would have been done by somebody else.