It Is My First Love - Vol. 1 Ch. 24

Jun 14, 2020
@practicallyuseful Don't forget it's gotten to that also because she could not explain herself. After she didn't even get a word out, she preferred to just wait it out until she moved. If she wanted to say something, she would have said it.

@annamorgause @whynejithough Correction, she misunderstood everything, especially his role into this. Now she would like nothing more than to run away from him, but he should have at least a chance to explain himself and then she can choose what to do.
She didn't moved on, she is obviously VERY much bothered by what happened, but at the same time she is very afraid to have anything to do with it at all, just like in the past. Can you consider this proper or healthy?
Feb 18, 2019
Yes, it's true. She was traumatized by the past event and couldn't get over it, and she still carries the trauma with her.

So what?

As far as we can tell, she has every right to be traumatized and want to escape as much as she wants, and not to face her fears and memories. In fact, it's much more believable that she has these unconscious fears of the classic shojo protagonists who face anything with a smile and have the emotional depth of a paper napkin.

By the way, everyone is ready to criticise in the comments how she behaves . . . I would like to see how many in her situation would have behaved better.
Mar 23, 2019
A bunch of people out here saying she hasn't changed at all, but neither did him. He's still making her do things she feels uncomfortable with.

Also, if he wants to clear the misunderstanding he should just lead with that. Instead of calling her by the name she clearly doesn't want to hear, he should start with something like: "you know, I had this junior with whom I made a promise, but someone set me up and she misunderstood everything". I'm sure that would get her attention long enough to explain what happened.

I agree that her running away every time this kind of thing happens isn't healthy, but sometimes the person just isn't ready to accept that, and forcing things could end up doing even more damage.
Sep 21, 2018
I like how shes trying to be tactful about saying "I've moved on, lets not remember/discuss it again." Its kinda rude but also professional, reasonable imo for coworkers. He needs to change his approach (and probably lead with an apology) if he wants to go anywhere.

Its on him to mend the bridge since he wants to continue the relationship, as harsh as that sounds.
Apr 8, 2020
Damn they really swapped hairstyles

I aint really gonna fault her or anything, from the beginning of this manhwa I never tried to jump to conclusions so I never hated either person but comin this far I dont think theres much more to know so I feel its no longer jumping to conclusions but she doesnt seem to have matured since she was young, her way of coping with stuff is to just run away from it which is childish, if shes still thinking about that stuff it clearly hasnt worked. Plus threatening to quit work, even hes like bruh you gonna take it that far? But tbh unless he doesnt know about the letter being found out he shoulda probably started out with an apology, now that gunwook is here I hope he just ignores her and doesnt make it awkward for her

Tbh I felt like it was all leading up to this but I ended up being disappointed, I guess the author is trying to prolong the manhwa a bit
Apr 22, 2019
When someone clearly does not want to talk about their past, the polite, respectful, decent human thing to do is to let it be. It’s been 10 years and it doesn’t affect her work which is all he should be concerned with. And frankly it doesn’t matter if she’s moved on or not either. Even if it still bothers her, it doesn’t absolve his actions at all as some comments seem to imply. She’s a functional adult and she doesn’t want to deal with it. Not everyone has to have resolution for every conflict they’ve had.

And him bringing this into the workplace, as her superior? Creating a hostile work environment because of something that has nothing to do with their jobs? Just awful, what a shitty male lead.

You can tell he’s an annoying prick from chapter 4 when he decides to make it his mission to “find out what she’s hiding from me”. Like dude she’s just living, he comes in after TEN YEARS and immediately makes it personal.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
“No problem is so big or so complicated that it can't be run away from!” -- Linus, Peanuts

I too don't think anyone has a duty to "deal with" every problem they ever have. Some problems just aren't worth it--you leave them behind and eventually you stop thinking about them much. There is a strong tendency in our society to believe otherwise; a good part of that belief is rooted in the psychotherapy industry, which tends to locate everyone's current problems in past events which they must revisit and think about a whole lot in order to overcome them and move past them.
But modern research into how memory works suggests to me that this is not just bunk, but completely backwards--the more often you call up a memory, the stronger it becomes and the more easily it is triggered (also, it makes it gradually less accurate). Every time you do something with your brain, the connections involved are strengthened and slightly changed. So going the psychotherapy route will drag something that you might have just gradually forgotten about into the present, make it loom large and be recollected more often and more strongly, and in the context of defining it as a trauma . . . so the memory will become more traumatic. Just declaring it a sleeping dog and letting it lie, on the other hand, will mean that over time the memory is accessed less, neural connections will attenuate. You'll forget about it. So, "running away" from old problems with no real future implications is totally legit and probably often the best option.

The one thing worth doing is thinking about them enough to see if there's ways you could have done things better and if so resolve to do it different next time. There's totally ways she could have done things better back then . . . but one of those ways would have been to refuse to be blackmailed and never spend time with that guy in the first place, so she is doing things somewhat differently this time.
Jun 5, 2018
@Ayajdbwmns I agree. If she actually matured from this experience she should at least try and understand his perspective of what happened. It's been years and she hasn't moved on so idk...

But yes I think this is a strategy to lengthen the story lol
Jun 6, 2020
Easy, guys. The story won't prologue if she listens to him right away and we're just in ch:24 ! And remember, time heals everything....


Nov 1, 2019
@Krobelus you took the words right out of my mouth, and said it much better than I could've, honestly.
Tho I'm not hating the ml, for now at least. Like you said, some people want resolution and some don't. This is where both the leads clash in that part of personality/preference, I think?
I'm not expecting much, but I hope the author will solve their issues with something smarter than, "she should've heard him out in the first place" trope.
Jul 29, 2020
Dear Author~~~

I love your manhwa soo muchh~~
Unnie, please don't stop drawing!! I love it soo much! And I told couple of my friends and they are reading as well!

I hope Your Manhwa gets accepted into Webtoon so I can get weekly updates!

I really do love your manhwa....
And Your drawing is the bestt!!

i just can't stop loving Moon young Oppa!! He is too handsome~~`

Some people found him annoying at first, and I don't know how!!

Because when someone is soo handsome? Isn't it hard to hate them?!?!
Especially someone like Moon Young!!!

Love it so muchh!!
Please keep it goingg
Aug 15, 2020
FINALLY! HOW LONG DID IT TAKE FOR YOU TO STAND UP FOR YOURSELF FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!! These kinds of stories that romanticize male leads that blackmail, bully, stalk, use their position of power to control the female lead and ignore consent just need to die.

Aggregator gang
May 23, 2020
honestly i understand why she is like that but i also don't like how she keeps pretending when both he and she knows that he already knows anyway.

like, i don't like her approach to the situation at all. if she really wants to stay away then tell him that. like "yes yes i was yoon daeun but i don't like talking to you about the past and i'm jung eunjae now"

keeping up the pretending is just stupid right now.
Aug 21, 2020
I was on her side but he's right how long are you going to act like this? like you are willing to quit your job because you don't want to deal with your pass?? I'm probably going to drop this

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