...Okay but what makes her a villainess? Like, she is even drawn like a heroine. This story is trying to put a twist on the otome villainess reincarnation story, but failing because you can't just say a character is a villainess and not back that up. Literally all the sister says is that she is very mean. Show us HOW mean she is before having the MC try to save her. Otherwise it just seems like she is dying just so this MC can save her in this story
Idk, I feel like now that we've reached a point where we have options for otome reincarnations, I am noticing this half baked setup more often and it annoys me. The villainess is a VILLAINESS, and while it is great for these characters to have depth and complex but understandable motives, they also do need to be hateable to some extent. Like, with this "villainess," there would have had to have been more than just one person who was like "she doesn't deserve so many dead ends." Idk. Maybe it was just a bad otome game and the sister is unsympathetic to any non capturable characters
And F for the parents, they just lost both their children in a span of like a week