Itai no wa Iya nanode Bougyo-Ryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2018
I think there is some typo, even from the first pages in the status of the character there is written level 11 and so it continued to be despite having climbed several levels.
May 7, 2018
yeah and i think with more vitality but HP didn't go up still in 40, or maybe that how the game is?
May 9, 2018
There are some questionable things going on with the way stats work, but I'm all for a competently designed VRMMO manga, especially one that isn't an isekai.
Jan 20, 2018
@AngJr strenght is often tied with hp + heavy melee dmg, while vitality is most often tied with just armor/dmg reduction


Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@GACT "competently designed" bruh she 1 shot a rare queen bee with 0 strength/agility/dexterity/int/whatever with base weapons/gears. you could argue that maybe the inside of the bee's mouth was a weakspot but even then how is a player who is literally 0 in every stat (cept vitality) able to 1shot enemies. competently designed my ass
May 29, 2018
some games still even have a base atk even if your str/agi/int (depend on the class for your atk) is 0
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 22, 2018
She seems to have 9 points on STR from her equipment, as It shows as 0 (+9), and from the looks of It, I think that HP is unrelated to stats, and It's actually something like "stamina".
And that "stamina" seems to go down by both attacking and receiving damage, so It would appear that she is literally "exhausting" monsters to death.
But from the talks on the "bulletin board", that wouldn't be possible under normal circumstances, but she is not normal, she has the usual MC's broken power and luck.
So using that power and luck, mostly luck though, she just so happened to get a rare skill from "tanking" the bunny to death, the first monster she "fought". And then she just so happened to find a rare monster and get yet another rare skill and a rare item from that monster, from doing the same thing.
I agree that the game isn't what I would call "competently designed", a real game wouldn't allow such broken and unfair features even if they were something extremely rare and hard to get.
But that's not a real game, and as a fictional story, It's not even a serious one. So expecting anything realistic from It would be a mistake. :b
My advice is, just enjoy the ride and have fun. :eek:

After reading the ch. 2 I realized that my assumption of HP being some kind of "stamina" to be wrong, but It still seems to be unrelated to stats. This is even more broken than I thought, because she is literally just tanking the monsters and slowly killing them.
Also, STR seems to only be related to how "strong" the damage dealt is, and even If It is 0 It's still seems to be possible to deal some damage. I say that because after having her equipment damaged by the Hydra, If the STR was really from her equipment, It should've dropped to 0. But she was still able to literally "eat" the Hydra to death despite of what her stats should've been. Unless eating something alive isn't regarded as doing damage. LOL
Welp, she is cute and the story is funny and moe, so whatever.. I guess? :eek:
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
... She does realize that the double of zero is still zero, right? Out of her stats, only her attack can be doubled because her short sword adds +9 to the base 0.
Double-page supporter
Apr 16, 2018

She does realize it, she only hyped up about doubling her already doubled defense anyway.
Double-page supporter
Jan 28, 2019
@kur0g4m1 shes not exhausting enemies to death, look at the bunny, it has bandages on its head when he headbutts the girl

think of what happens if you punch whats effectively a steel beam irl, you will break your hand right? now headbutt said steal beam with all your power, you will probably die

aka shes killing them by having them damage themselves on her defense ability, they are literally killing themselves trying to damage her

@Wnf the mouth is the weakpoint of all enemies, its a soft organ and can pierce directly into the brain, idc how much "hp" you have, if your brain is destroyed its instant kill, thats why in nearly all media, enemies dont open their mouth more then they have to, even dragons use their "breath" attack as a last resort, or when flying, because its a weak point
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
I sure am glad this mangaka isn't in charge of designing games. But I'm not here to play a game so in the end it doesn't matter much.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Ovdose Nah man, this game still looks pretty fun so far. Go full defense and let things kill themselves by attacking you? Sounds like something I'd do in Skyrim or something. Possibly questionable game balancing for a multi-player game, sure. But not all games would be ruined by this ridiculousness.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2018
The problem is that it's an mmorpg. A lot of stuff that's fun in a single player or co-op game stops being fun the moment you run into a hostile player who is able to do that stuff. But even in a single player game that "let me give you this skill that triples the number of stat points required to upgrade all your stats except for one. btw you can't refuse" thing would be incredibly annoying to anyone who accidentally unlocked the ability despite not wanting it.
And giving taunt a friggin 3 minute cooldown in an mmorpg? It might work for what kind of game this seems to be but back when I wrote my comment I had read only the first chapter so I facepalmed when I imagined an mmorpg game where the tank needs to wait 3 minutes before being able to use taunt another time.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Ovdose For the most part the thing with the skill point cost increase wouldn't be that bad in any game with how it presented here, imo. Not being able to refuse it is a bummer, but she was still pretty much level 1 or 2 when that happened, and it only happened because she did a thing that no one should ever do outside of this story because it will not work out for you in basically any other game that I've ever heard of, except again maybe Skyrim or such and that's only because of mods to begin with. Things you could easily do usually would be reroll a different character that isn't built to fail like this one honestly was if not for plot, or single player has the potential for loading a previous save and avoiding the final condition for that thing applying.

The taunt, I'd say it's not too far out of line for an AoE taunt as it seems to be. A lot of the time it's a single target taunt if the cooldown is short, with the AoE taunt maybe being in the 1-3 minute range because it's more of an "Oh, shit" button. You'd usually also have attacks that just generate more threat than usual with little to no cooldown. Here though, I'm not sure how exactly her taunt is working because she's only been using it alone which is'd work just about the same if she pulled with anything else, y'know? Nobody else is trying to damage or aggro her mobs so far. So I have to preserve a bit of the judgement on how the taunt her works until we see how it actually works in group combat, or see a more detailed "tool tip" for it than I think we got.

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