Marrrying without kissing already sounded sketchy to me, then the 1.75 years of knowing eachother, then the highschooler twist - goddamnit. don't marry irresponsibly.
And people, at sixteen people are protected so they may not notice the signs of a bad person, or more like aren't prepared for the full extend of their shittiness, so it's uncomfortable watching a relationship of that type; If older party restrains themselves intentionally to earn trust, new adult gets in incredibly bad situation.
Also, a friendly tip to those, who have trouble distinguishing between teenagers that look like twenty-year-olds and actual college students - look at their joints.
And people, at sixteen people are protected so they may not notice the signs of a bad person, or more like aren't prepared for the full extend of their shittiness, so it's uncomfortable watching a relationship of that type; If older party restrains themselves intentionally to earn trust, new adult gets in incredibly bad situation.
Also, a friendly tip to those, who have trouble distinguishing between teenagers that look like twenty-year-olds and actual college students - look at their joints.