It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - I Won't Let You Say It's a Mistake

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Fed-Kun's army
Sep 25, 2018
Little sister is my favorite character so far. Spitting out facts
May 8, 2019
The bitch sister aside..
That final kiss tho!! Slowly but surely MC is growing to be more confident!
And the flashbacks... I hope we'll get some meguro's character growth soon too...!
Jul 6, 2019
Wow, he said "I love you" and she replied "...yes", not what I expected, but something that's fits this series very well...
Sister is a bitch, but to be honest the fact that Meguro-san had a lot of boyfriends before, with whom she was in sexual relationship with is kinda sad, don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with having many partners (although you could argue about the sensei thing), but the fact that she doesn't do it because of herself, or out of enjoyment or anything, she just goes along with anything because she doesn't care, that's sad and I hope it will change in the future in this relationship, because so far she again just goes along with anything she doesn't neccessarily wants to do
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
Double-page supporter
Jul 9, 2018
Miku brutally stating reality. Absolutely putting the harlot in her place. This is mere fiction. imagine judging compassion by a mere piece of exaggerated fiction.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
At least seems like the MC is growing a bit.
Though answering "yes" to "I love you" is a bit...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
It's weird to me how upset people get about the idea of someone being sexually active with people before them
Nov 25, 2018
The little sister is interesting. I get the feeling she really loves and respects her big sister, but is really disappointed in who she became. And definitely hurt with that crass comment about the sensei. Probably the little sister like the sensei, but he took the busty pushover for a ride instead. I can see that comment not only being a stab at the sister, but also a way to try and scare off other men knowing her sisters current personality.

I could just be reading to much into this.
Jul 6, 2019
@stilgar In this I think the problem is that Meguro-san didn't want that, she didn't do that out of enjoyment, or out of anything really, she just goes along with anything, and that is a bit upsetting, you should value yourself more, there is nothing wrong with her having sexual relationships, it's just sad that she just goes along with anything, noot to mention if she has this attitude all the time things can become real messy and painful since the boyfriends do not care about anything just to bang her once
Nov 25, 2018
@stilgar I completely agree with you on that, its weird how upset people get. Though in this case, I can see why it would make him uneasy. He's a level 1 and she's like a sex level 13, I can understand why he would be intimidating for him.

If it was me, I would be a little upset too. Not because she has a past but because of the abuse she probably faced, as it seems like many of the ones before me, used her as a sextoy. And this point in the relationship would be the hardiest. You know there's a past, you know it not pretty, but you don't have any facts. So you don't know what's rumors or what's true, This is the time when your imagination can be wild.
If he's dealing with this plus the first part. I'm impressed, that boy is strong. I'm sure many would of caused their own downfall by now.
Jan 6, 2019
Miku complaining sarcastically while never even bother to help Meguro, no wonder she ends up being the doormat she is. While sensei is to fault for that "advice", her family basically let her run lose despite knowing how Meguro is kinda make it hypocrite of Miku to say all that when she doesn't even try to do anything about it.

Koga affirming his love should provided some respite if any for Meguro. Though, Meguro being the doormat she is, there's not much she could say anyway since what Miku said is the the truth. Looking forward to what answer Koga can give to Miku in regards to this.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Jesus Christ the sister is such an ass.

You don't shame your family in front of a complete stranger.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
@elixir6 no, just no.

“ I get the feeling she really loves and respects her big sister, but is really disappointed in who she became.”

If you respect someone you’ll help them, give advice (maybe limited, but at least try), and you can even be honest about her BUT with completely different timing and manner of saying things.
Here she is just shaming her in front of literally the first guy she sees with her sister, not giving credit to her (“maybe this time she choosed better”) nor him (“maybe this one could be different”).

The more I read the more I think that it’s the opposite, part of the fact that Meguro is not even trying to become a better girlfriend with more love for herself is that the sister will just blame her.
“Why I should even try? Every guy will be criticized, I will be criticized”; heck, maybe worse too: someone wasn’t aware about Meguro’s plain attitude, and was the sister that explained everything.
That’s the feeling I get.
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