It's Not Meguro-san's First Time - Vol. 4 Ch. 29 - Not Just That

Jul 30, 2019
Why is it that people can accept the redemption of characters that have caused heinous acts of violence, murder, and even genocide, yet when someone causes a social/domestic conflict, it's an immediate life sentence to the gallows? At least let the boy present his intentions before casting judgement. If you haven't realized yet, this manga does a good job of showing you that your first impressions of characters can be way off. Moments like this separate walking catalysts from actual characters.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 27, 2019
@VINT64 Boy he tried to take a photo of her when he stills going out with the twintails girl, he's not only there to apologies and it's not a good guy because he is basically cheating on her. Even if he don't make a physical move and the thing that she is not his first choice and she knew it, it's not ok what he does.

What could be the meaning of that? I mean, who the f takes a photo of his ex
Double-page supporter
May 18, 2018
@SgtD because japanese authors (mainly in manga and LN) have the reputation of pulling the most nonsensical plot twist, forced plot progression, characters dying out of nowhere, with no foreshadowing, chekhov's gun, or whatsoever, purely for the sake of shock factor.
Mar 30, 2019
Just let meguro dump her current boyfriend. I want to see our boy little bit suffer.
Apr 5, 2020
@SgtD It's also a case of love the main character purely because they're the main character and screw everyone else. People see Koga's and Meguro's thoughts and feelings and why they do things. Even if another character has the same thoughts and feelings, if they're in conflict with the main characters, there's a high chance that a lot of readers will just say screw the other character because then they don't have to think too hard about it.
Dec 31, 2019
Is he going to offer to break up with his current girlfriend and ask Meguro-san give him another chance?
Or will it actually be a straightforward apology and a sign of him moving on?

I'm guessing 75-25 odds, respectively.
Nov 18, 2019
I just can't see this dude taking the non-toxic option he'll just make his new gf suffer more, pretty obivous imo.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
are you blind or what?

Apparently not as blind as you.

@VINT64 @SgtD The dickhead does not deserve "closure" (oh, how I hate that word) if that is what he is aiming for. He doesn't need to apologize just to salve his own conscience. Meguro has already moved on and has a new boyfriend and apparently has zero interest in him anymore. There is absolutely no need for him to talk to her at all.

But not telling his girlfriend, for whatever reason, be it that he's afraid she'd get pissed (and rightly so), or that he intends to try to get into Meguro's pants again, is downright unacceptable. If it's for either reason, or any reason at all, he should have broken up with his girlfriend first. If he can't trust her enough to tell her, then he's a scumbag. If he's trying to get into someone else's pants, he's a scumbag. No matter how you look at it, he's a scumbag.
Double-page supporter
Sep 20, 2018
We don't know what he will say, but even if he just wants to apologize it doesn't make sense to ask her to meet him alone.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
You gotta love how everyone in the comment section is SOOO sure of what he is gonna say and do, that they have already judged him, prepared the stake and are ready to thow the torch. For the time being, he just apologized so at least i am gonna wait till next chapter to say anything about him since i have the feeling that the majority of your expectations about him are gonna be wrong.

Btw, im pretty surprised how many supporters that Aya girl has when she is exactly the kind of girl i hate.
Yes, i agree that someone that decides to date someone else while knowing he isnt in love with her and is interested in someone else has it "tough". Yeah. But having it "tough" doesnt give you the right to judge, bully and act like an asshole with his ex based only on some rumors you heard, all fueled by your jealousy and inferiority complex, while behaving like a controlling pampered BRAT with your bf.

Guess only someone who has had a jealous girlfriend (or a gf at all LOL) can understand just how annoying that kind of girl is.

@Xxjuggernaut your are not alone.
@HajimeteNHK dunno how you do things in your place, but from where i am if i wanna apologize to someone for something that happened between us that no one else knows and there is no reason for them to know, i would do it alone. Or how would you do it? with an audience? LOL
Its somewhat scary reading comments as if he wanting to meet her alone was a crime.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
We don't know what he will say, but even if he just wants to apologize it doesn't make sense to ask her to meet him alone.

Wow! Bravo! There really are other people reading this that have a brain!

If he just wants to apologize to Meguro, it would have been more prudent for him to do so in front of his current girlfriend, that is, if he even gives two shits about how his current girlfriend feels (though I doubt that's the case). To want to meet in secret certainly implies that there are things he want to say to Meguro that he does not want his current girlfriend to hear or know. What could those things be, I wonder?!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
If he just wants to apologize to Meguro, it would have been more prudent for him to do so in front of his current girlfriend,
Why should you apologize to your ex in front of your current gf?

Just thinking about going to my gf (i dont have one rn tho) and saying to her: "baby, i gotta apologize to my ex for something that happened before you and me started dating, wanna come?" makes me laugh so hard tears run down my leg.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Why should you apologize to your ex in front of your current gf?

Oh, let's see...

Out of respect for your current girlfriend.

To prevent any misunderstandings.

To show your current girlfriend you're not hiding anything.

To let ex (and current girlfriend) know you're being above board and have no other intentions than to apologize for your past transgressions.

And, certainly not last, why shouldn't you?

Just thinking about going to my gf (i dont have one rn tho) and saying to her: "baby, i gotta apologize to my ex for something that happened before you and me started dating, wanna come?" makes me laugh so hard tears run down my leg.

Well, the more you talk, it becomes obvious why you don't have a girlfriend and don't understand how you should treat your girlfriend.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
Alright everyone, let's take how this manga has handled all drama up until this point and trow it into the trash/s. I can't believe that this guy is gonna rape Meguro right there out in the open. 💩

I'm not saying this guy can't be a creep but I doubt it will turn into something greater, its' just not set up for it. Well if this does turn out bad I think this is heralding the return of Sensei. Even if it doesn't it still might but but if it's bad that's just setting up charcoal for the future fire.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
If the current girlfriend accepts him again after he is rejected by Meguro (assuming this is what happens), then she is just a cuck with no self-respect. You really should dump someone who tries to go for someone else when they are already in a relationship, otherwise they are just going to do it again later. It would leave a really bad taste in my mouth if they just continue together like nothing ever happened (assuming what it looks like it's going to happen, happens, of course).
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
@FredFriendly are those arguments real? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
1- Out of respect? So everything i do that my gf is not aware of it i am being disrespectful to her?
2- Prevent what misunderstandings? My gf thinking that im cheating or something like that? If your gf is a normal girl with some self-esteem and not a jealous fuck, there is nothing to prevent.
3- To show that im not hidding anything...? WHAT? Privacy much?
4- Do i really have the need to show anyone how much above board i am...?
5- Why should you? I mean, under normal circumstances a normal person could tell his normal gf that he is gonna meet his ex and there should no problem. Thats what should be "under normal circumstances", but seeing how Aya has behaved till now, i sure as hell wouldnt tell her.

Well, the more you talk, it becomes obvious why you don't have a girlfriend and don't understand how you should treat your girlfriend.
Well, the more you talk, the more it becomes obvious how much of a jealous and controlling person you are. Scary~~~
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
ok, im all for giving the benefit of the doubt to ppl but here im not sure he deserves it, he knows his gf is insecure about their relationship and he stills lets her hanging (not answering his phone) and he ask to meet his ex-gf in secret, also he was trying to take a photo of her in secret, thats a big indicator of his intention.

If he wants to apologize there's no need to do it in secret like this, hes not thinking about his current gf at all, also before anyone says that not answering ur phone isnt bad, yeah its not, but if you do that and u set up a secret meeting with ur ex, then its gonna look bad

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