I've Become the Villainous Empress of a Novel - Ch. 12

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
Well a more realistic reason is she was a conqueror who led her armies in war and probably killed on her own hundreds of people, any war vet will tell you that it's not hard to find yourself at the bottom of a bottle or sniffing the wrong stuff to dull the painful memories after the fighting ends.
Mar 7, 2019
Thanks For Your Hard Work!!!! ♡♡♡ Can't Wait For More!!! ♡♡♡And Stay Safe!!!


Dex-chan lover
May 28, 2019
Although right now I'm totally on Team Felix (just cause he was a puppy that was loyal to the end, even after she died in the original story).

I also like Count Venus...then guy is totally rational and unbias. I mean he has every right to be bias against the Empress but he accessed the situation both here and in his jail cell accurately, and went for the best possible scenario (taking all the risk along with it). Glad there's someone to smack some sense into these rebels.

I feel like the hatred for Eusto is pretty unjustified. The dude went and admitted he admired her and probably turned a blind eye originally to her slow change in character. And when he realized he should make a move, it was already too late. It wasn't like overnight she became a tyrant that indulged in men and forgot all about ruling the empire. It was probably a gradual process where she slack off, took interest in a man, then formed a harem, left the work to Duke Fez. The guy probably had no reason to suspect she was being drugged at all.
Jul 24, 2020

That's actually a very good reason... Maybe too good for an isekai XD The truth is, we don't know anything about the original empress, aside for the idolization some of the other characters showed. And i fear we will never see her being her true self, the comic will probably focus more on the main character who is "impersonating" her.
Mar 30, 2019
i think...she IS Julia, sometimes she speaks as Julia in her inner thoughts and then says she isnt... maybe she died as Julia, lived as an office lady, and then came back?
Aug 10, 2020
I don't hate Eusto but his character is too much of a cliche... it's so overly done
Jan 1, 2020
Eusto really need a redemption arc or i'm never going to accept him as ML , he need to suffer
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2018
who hates Eusto???

N E way, I hope she eases up drinking. I have a feeling the drug they gave her before is not any regular drug.

P.S They all saw her go mad and couldn't attribute it t mental health... are they DUMB? They even have magic on their side ffs.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
Eusto really need a redemption arc or i'm never going to accept him as ML , he need to suffer
Did you forget what chapter one was about? He was a character in a novel that witnessed the love of his life descend into hedonistic madness, and had to resolve himself to kill her to save the entire empire... which was the entire continent at that point, too. Lotta people. He was the tragic hero of the story. The title literally calls her "villainous" for a reason. The only additional context about that we've gotten since then that should make her look less bad is that she was being drugged, and he doesn't know about that. None of them do.

It's not like being under the influence of something completely absolves you of all responsibility for any of your actions, either. You don't really get to just go "Sorry about all that" and then laugh it off. That's why the story is going the way it is. She's the one bearing the burden of having to prove she is not a problem that needs solving. He's the one who needs to solve the problem if she can't prove that, despite his personal feelings for her.
Aggregator gang
Oct 3, 2018
See, I think the thing I dislike the most, is just Eusto and the rebels. I have the want to see them punished in all honesty. The Empress is honestly a badass-looking character and even the personality is great. It's just obnoxious having these groups of people plotting. I get that the Empress did evil deeds. But besides the issue with her loyal servants almost being executed. We haven't really seen her do anything wrong. What? She's drinking and sleeping with men a lot? I don't think this is that big of a deal.

Then there is just this fact that these Rebels come across as annoying. Eusto I think is likely to be the romantic interest. But I don't really think he should. He's only come across as annoying and kind of like a whiny brat so far. The Venos? The really smart and calm dude that I can't remember the name of. I think it might be interesting if he was the love interest. Just because he actually comes across as smart, and actually interesting personality.

I do hope some type of punishment is put down on these people. But I doubt it. Just the annoying overly righteous atmosphere that comes from them is so annoying to me.
Sep 23, 2020
At first, it does seem fair for Eusto to be the tragic hero of some sort. But after a couple chapters, I could only see it as his own fault. The only thing he ever did for the Empress was push his ideal image of a perfect person and when the person in question starts to deviate he just gave up and decided to act like a tragic character. Like hell no, I won't accept that. I can't see him doing anything for the empress when she started to fall from grace other than getting sad all by himself. Like, you can't even investigate or even guess what causes her to change? You're the only close subject of her that's not exiled to the tower but all you do is "hope she comes back" and then plot for rebellion when he gave up on her. I get that the Empress' tyranny is inexcusable but really, where's all this loyalty that he keeps whining about if she's the only one that needs to fit in the image of perfection that he sets himself. Instead of being the better servant he decides that if she's not how he wants her to be he would just give up on her. The only tragic one here is the Empress instead
May 4, 2020
@SovietWeeb eehm, maybe first: "her personality is great", yeah I like her too - but you do understand that her self right now is that of our modern mc girl, and there were some mentions about how much she suddenly changed, as for her old self, the original Julia: she has unified this empire in what - a decade? - through war and war in itself is never good, there will always be innocent victims, torn families and the like, plus you have to use at least parts of the old system(s) or there will be an enormous chaos, what she did and promptly some problematic people like that duke and his companions used her inexperience with ruling, for me it seems like she was a like the idealistic hero, great fighter, maybe good leader on the battlefield too, but not so good in politics, from what they told, the war, the fight was her purpose of life and when she didn't had it anymore, she kinda lost her reason, indulged in a luxurious life to forget, and what she forgot was who she was and what her duties were, instead of trusting people like Eusto who was her loyal companion the whole time she trusted snakes like that duke and I'm quite sure that this execution of people who did seemingly nothing but sya the "wrong" things is only the tip of the iceberg, yeah, she was deceived and drugged and I'm not sure if Eusto couldn't have done something (and if it had to be an assassination of that duke) but she surely was not innocent
Dec 10, 2020
I honestly don't like Eusto at this point. Like some commenters mentioned, all he has done was look at the Empress with rose-tinted glasses, putting more pressure on her sore shoulders. He claims to be the victim but he wasn't the one who was drugged and lost all control. Not to mention, that melodramatic acting of 'omgeeee why wasn't I strong enough to lead her to the path of LiGHt?! How could this happen to ME??'. Bitch, I swear-

If he had just noted the poison even once, none of this would have happened. Why didn't he do some sort of investigation? Surely seeing someone change so drastically had raised some red flags? He has a fucking secret rebel group. There is a powerful yandere who would do ANYTHING to protect the Empress and not to mention, that genius mage who gathered all that dirt in such a short amount of time.

HE HAS RESOURCES. HE HAS ENOUGH MANPOWER TO TAKE DOWN AN EMPIRE. WHAT. IS. HE. DOING???? Why is he just sitting on his ass, acting like he's some sort of love-struck fool in the misunderstanding part of a romance movie? For a supposed trusted partner who's job was to protect her back, he's doing one hell of a shitty job.

In the end, he's just as bad as the drugged!Empress, since he had been swayed by the words of those rebels. To make things worse, he had a clear mind and should have enough knowledge of the shit a noble would have done to gain power.

I hope the Empress makes him suffer in the pool of guilt he deserves to be drowning in. He has definitely let her down big time and he does NOT deserve her trust.

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