Isn't basically the entire comparison to her previous manager mistranslated?
"When I was in a good mood, I laughed at it even if it was annoying."
1) That's when HE was in a good mood, no? She laughed to appease him. Her mood had nothing to do with it.
2) "Laughed at it" - laughed at what? His jokes? His tie? You can't leave stuff like that vague in English.
"when it was bad, even when it was lacking substance."
You're using "it" twice in the same sentence, but referring to different things each time. That's not how "it" works. There needs to be a clear subject for "it" to make sense as a substitute.
Also it's not really clear if this text is a continuation of the previous sentence since you ended the last one with a period. The text also doesn't match the image so that's no hint. Was it like that in the raws?
"After that, the atmosphere of the staff often got heavy"
After what? You didn't mention a time frame before this. Do you mean after he was appointed, or after everyone had to laugh at his shitty jokes? It's too vague.
The rest of the translation has similar errors. I'm glad that you're translating but you really need a proofreader. It doesn't flow like English should at all.