Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

Double-page supporter
Oct 10, 2018
I could get them being surprised by him being 500 years old but why is anyone angry/complaining at him? The brother and father never showed question him on anything but just tried to test/murder him when he showed up to be an escort. The other bodyguard while showed love interest in him has never asked anything and was really in just a work relationship. Also the mistress while being line with her character I feel is still being an unreasonable bitch THEN AGAIN SHE IS ONE! She has been shown to be a smart pragmatic character that looks for fun but her getting uppity over this is dumb. She never asked for his details and only used him as entertainment/bodyguard. The only person who can be reasonably mad is Rain because for being her father he decided not to share anything with her for years.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
The girls are angry cause the dude is beyond carnal desires, which means no D for any of them.

Shes mad that he didnt give much though to her name, she was hoping it had a special meaning.

Her Ovaries are now beyond blue.

He is beyond mortal concerns now, he doesnt eat, doesnt sleep, doesnt have the urge to fuck, doesnt give 2 fucks beyond raising the girl to the point she can take care of herself and then he will go back to training for another 500 years.
Jun 27, 2018
Hi guys can you pls pick up Mushikago no Cagaster its ckmpleted manga its translated to chapter 11 there is 10 more raws a realy good manga
Nov 20, 2018
Page 6
she calls it lies but like he said, he never really mentioned his age, nor was he asked
Double-page supporter
Nov 18, 2018
did he tell them that he will leave once rain is old enough to live on her own? kind of want to see their reaction.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 24, 2018
Rain is angry because it has no meaning, it was just a whim. Similar to how in the real world people have made ridiculous names for their children from tv shows, video games to types of food. That is absolutely fucked when they get older and end up being taunted about it.

I'm sure you would feel some sort of way if you were named ABCDE and got ridiculed in life like this 5 year old https://www.newsweek.com/southwest-airline-apologizes-employee-who-mocked-name-5-year-old-girl-called-1235901
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
he did say he didnt hide anything, I guess the shock to rain also came from the fact that the person she called dad for so long is a complete stranger and not even related by blood.

“She asked me: 'mom why is she laughing at my name?'” Traci told ABC 7. “I said ‘you know honey, not everybody is nice. And not everyone’s gonna be nice and it’s unfortunate’.”
Whats unfortunate is that the mom couldnt be fucking bothered to give her child a proper name.
Aggregator gang
May 23, 2018
I just want to say, that compared to the spanish translation this makes sooo much more sense, and my native language is spanish. Guys that are translating this to spanish are just doing a bad work
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
why are u guys talking like he doesn't care a bit about his daughter?, when he first came to the mansion he was happy that she could receive a noble's upbringing thats why he didnt leave even after all the weird shit her mistress did, also didnt the mistress knew already? coz he said ''sages dont burn'' and she tried to burn him, same with drowning, how the flying fuck did they forgot about all that?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
A cabron, cuando lo lei no le vi ningun problema, en donde especificamente esta traducido mal?

he was relieved that he found a job that payed well enough to take care of her.
And even though she knew he was a sage, she didnt know he was a 500 YO demigod.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2018
im really not happy how they literally did an interrogation when he is not obligated to say a thing about his life... "betrayed" and "lies" that is such an unfitting word that im not happy at all... but im still giggling... i cant be happy at all about the mistress's attitude cause im pretty sure they should be 60% scared just because he can kill them he wants to but i guess the excused of "bond" said no to that... well not that he have any reason to worst because of his "mature" skill...

showing how mighty u r when u r so puny infront of the mc... i have the urge to screech so badly... oh ya whats with the wind girl? is she disgusted that he is that old? dont tell me just because of some secrets they r going to do this

i get that its for the story but damn i wanna screech
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
The dude is beyond their petty little squabbles, he doesnt give a singular fuck.
Whats better is that, Brauer just got cucked to infinity.
The Mistress had her plans torpedoed
The daughter got her heart crushed.
Im guessing the only 2 people coming out of this unscathed are the Father and the Brother.
Dex-chan lover
May 30, 2018
I'm surprised you didn't bring up the multiple people named Marijuana Pepsi. Then again, atleast their reasoning is usually that "it's what they love".

which gets to what's kinda the problem. There's a lack of interaction between him and his daughter. Add how callously he named her and it makes it look like he doesn't really care all that much about her. Yeah, he'll keep her fed but that doesn't equate to parental love. Even if he did think that he was happy that she had a nice home to grow up in, he hasn't done anything yet to really express his affection for her. Well, guess a chance is coming. Problem is, in these kinds of stories, it's difficult for the mc to express their feelings in any meaningful way. If your so op that everything is trivial, there's nothing for you to put in the effort for to show you care.
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
Brower... Braumer.. Broner?? boner?

OH fuck who the hell that woman name is. too bad for her i guess? she is quite shocked and disappointed.

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