Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu - Vol. 4 Ch. 33

Double-page supporter
Jan 28, 2018
Imma be honest, I thought he wouldn't be able to kill but he does it effortlessly. Atta boy.
Feb 18, 2019
@hikufalafel He's a psychopath, borderline maybe. Psychopaths lacks empathy, remorse, and guilt whereas a sociopath feels all those. In short, psychos are very detach from emotions. Sociopaths are crazy but they do not know their crazy, psychopaths do. Psychopaths are well aware of their own actions and the consequences, a sociopath doesn't.

You have that completely backwards.

Officially, both fall under the label of Anti-Social Personality Disorder, wherein Psycopathy is generally considered an extreme case of such.

While manipulative and calculating behaviors are inherently associated with Anti-Social Personality Disorder, Psychopaths may also be more prone to aggression, reckless or unrestrained behaviors, and distorted thinking. Psycopaths also feel less remorse, guilt, empathy, etc than is typical for ASPD (which is already characterized by a reduction in those elements), and are more ego-driven. Psychopathy can largely be construed as anti-social behavior manifesting with irrational, self-serving, opportunistic, and heartless behaviors.

Sociopathy is less poorly defined (and typically avoided) in clinical diagnosis (where it may simply be used as a synonym for general ASPD), but has clear social expectations of application. Sociopaths are indicated to have limited faculties for emotion and social connection, and thereby may also be self-serving, but lack the mental disorder aspects of psychopathy. Unlike autists, who are associated with an inability to recognize certain social patterns, sociopaths recognize social patterns properly but value them differently. Sociopaths can however still function normally, mimicing expected behaviors, and- as they lack the distored perceptions and destructive tendencies of a psychopath- are expected to be abel to mostly function normally and productively if they choose to do so.

As an oversimplification, Sociopathy is a disconnect from society and emotions, while psychopathy is a disconnect from judiciousness, empathy, and self-restraint. Despite the tendency for the two terms to be used interchangably, this is a long-standing distinction between the terms. In modern pop culture, you can see this distinction emphasized within BBC's Sherlock. I think this quote from that show rather appropriate for the present context:


In any case, our MC doesn't evidence either psychopathy or sociopathy, within either a clinical or a social definition. At best, he shares some traits with the social perception of sociopathy, but his behaviors [outside of killing] and his relationships clarify that even there he doesn't manage to match to this set of labels.

@CountryMage you're completely wrong about your description, and even then your thesis is backwards, sociopaths live in a society, they fake the emotions needed to fit in.
Well, so do Psychopaths. There's just a bit more.. disruptive in the way they do it.

@TUSF psychologists don't even use either of those terms
That's not quite true, though it's certainly typical. Sociopathy, of course, isn't used in a clinical setting and, as I noted above, is at best a synonym for ASPD [though that in large part due to modern clinical associations not allowing for a diagnosis matching to the public conception of the term, as I detailed above]. However, psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder, and dissocial personality disorder are still all considered seperate diagnosises. While DPD seems to only rarely be given mention (as it's basically just an extreme form of ASPD) and may in fact no longer have any place within diagnosis, it's my understanding that Psychopathy is often still referenced by those in the field of psychology as a clarification of form to an initial diagnosis of ASPD.

[Further Reading: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-is-2020/201812/difference-between-the-psychopath-and-so-called-sociopath ;
tl;dr version: Psychopathy is ASPD with certain additional negative personality traits or disorders
Dec 25, 2018
that thing said "suiboku doesn't have a chance", here i thought, so there is another demigod??...hmm
is that real or just your childish thoht...ehh
maybe, that thing want to be reminded, Mr. Suiboku kill the pandora user and shatter pandora to smitherens, please!!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
>Suiboku has legends basically venerating him as a god
>Nah but my guy could easily beat him though
>When she and everyone else didn't even know what a Sage even was until they met Sansui(who admitted he can't do even 1/100th of what his master can do)
I get she's thirsty as hell for the guy but seriously?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2018
WOW I thougth MC doesn't have what it takes to kill someone and will allways KO his enemys with his wooden sword
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
There really isn't anything they can do to harm him, and they pay for his lodging as well as raise Rain. He could leave, but he doesn't want to exert the effort. And maybe he likes that bodyguard too?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2018
@Dadidu he killed people in the sixth chapter. Those bandits that attacked the carriage were all killed by both him and Brauer
Aug 15, 2018
They skipped it in the manga, but Suiboku has said that if Pandora has a compatible wielder he would have no option but to run away. That furry kid with eckes can defeat Pandora though. It's basically rock, paper, scissors. With that mage kid being a nuke.
Mar 24, 2019
does either term psychopath or sociopath really apply here, his actions here and that time they were attacked in the forest were fully self-defense.
May 19, 2018
hmm, that sure was a bit of a shock and awe when Sansui just decapitated those mercenaries so loosely... but still, it's a nice way to expose character... also, that lil girly thinks her trump card can BEAT Suiboku XD?! WUAT?! They barely know the limits of what Sansui can do, and he said he's not even close to his Master... HOW would you even make a comparison with that incomplete scale XD?! Talking about ego trips
Dex-chan lover
May 3, 2019
For a manga starring a swordsman, it sure is bad depicting action
Idk maybe framing or motion directing is the culprit, even to portray no nonsense style this chapter just come off as series of disconnected vignettes
Active member
Dec 19, 2019
thank you for that information
I'm more or less glad that there's at least someone that can beat Sansui on the list of reincarnators
what about the revolutionary guy with four divine armaments?
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 20, 2018
Seems a certain lil lass head over heels for her trump card forgot Pandoras rant in ch28 pg8..
Main reason Pandora hates Suiboku is that it's completely impossible to beat him and he's immortal, so he'll always be around somewhere in the world.

Also, Sansui have always been capable of killing and have done asmuch before,
although it's more common to see fights with friendlies where he's been told or decided on his own that it's best to avoid casualties.

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