Jimi na Kensei wa Sore Demo Saikyou Desu

Sep 22, 2020
I've read up to chapter 50 and in all honesty it's kind of Meh.

It's nothing new everything done in this has been done before. (And much better) I also agree with a lot of people that the Mc is the most boring and plain protagonist I've seen in a Japanese manga and that's a high bar to get to,
but maybe living for 500-ish years will do that to you.

The plot is all over the place and clichés are hidden around every arc like the classic: handsome prince arc followed by the ugly fat noble bastard arc. (because we all that an Isekai is nothing without a fat evil bastard)

The side characters are just as boring and plain as the Mc the only thing that they're good for is Explaining things, Complimenting the Mc's strength, Complaining and being a punching bag for Mc.

Boring and predictable
Dec 18, 2019
I commend the author; They managed to at least make this story average, considering the lacking worldbuilding and characterless characters. The idea of there being "hearts" like the [Heart of Sagacity] and whatnot as an alternative of Classes is quite novel, but not well thought of. It would be better if the concepts and foundations of the world/story were more expansive and structured. All in all, an average read.
Active member
Aug 12, 2019
bruh people are expecting too much out of this mangaka

its a common isekai story, not the next Hamilton. holy fuck
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
This manga is shockingly good...

You generally expect another cheat Mc that build a harem

But instead you get mc that had to train hard to become op and doesn't even care for love...

Quite a decent read.
Aggregator gang
Feb 13, 2021
BAHAHA Best comment

""bruh people are expecting too much out of this mangaka

its a common isekai story, not the next Hamilton. holy fuck""
Nov 16, 2020
I can say that, for me this is quite good but, WHERE'S THE FUCKING ROMANCE!? IT'S NOT ROMANTIC AT ALL
Feb 14, 2023
It's pique my interest at the earliest chapter, but ever since he meet his employer it's like "what the... You're supposed to be second strongest person but you just lick noble" honestly speaking with his ability it's quite easy to get wealth and good environment to raise children, but instead he using his ability to lick that noble's feet
Jan 19, 2023
so you train 500 years to became strongest spineless wimp servant control by younger generation teenagers, apologize every chance get, typical wimp MC Japanese character, even after 500 yrs no brain development, becaming servant lick boots instant of using brain to be independent
Jun 26, 2023
Is pretty trash manga how mc just got isekai and turn out to be very side character. The Author just make the isekai tensei MC train for 500 year just to serve this Lady and her future route included the family meanwhile other manga how the single parent father raise their own daughter's without involved noble MC Should learn from them. This manga is totally corrupted and include bind the MC down tied with that lady. Furthermore, we know give and take but this pretty sure one side charity it could turn MC to be buddha.

What MC in this manga pretty much is Close the Gate, RELEASE THE DOG and the MC is that DOG.
Jun 22, 2023
This manga is just another trash isekai that's not even worth continuing, the mc in the beginning had good character development but slowly became a background character also had become way too borish and stagnant
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2024
Holy fuck, I don't get most of the hate surrounding this manga. This is a unique plot which I keep re reading whenever it updates.

1. An no nonsense anti simp MC who does as ordered BECAUSE IT IS DUTY TO ENSURE GROWTH OF HIS FUCKING (adopted) DAUGHTER. The Mistress herself mentions that the MC is loyal as they are providing the MC good treatment.

2. He ain't no beta bitch. Srsly, what is triggering you folks? Oh He is following orders of a person who actually acts like a proper upper noble and not some naive girl who simps for MC? The story addresses multiple times that he doesn't mind his current situation as there are no actual downside to him.

3. The plot actually progresses nicely and the other noble families actually have interesting personalities. I mean the nun looking girl knows how handle issues with her Japanese isekai boy and is a fair judge when that bastard noble was Introduced. The isekai boys all also seem interesting, especially the harem boy who grows to focus less on competition with MC but learning to improve himself as a fighter and a future head of the noble family he is with.

Though I agree the romance with mc and Knight girl is a bit forced and the pacing feels rushed at times. This is not that bad.

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