Jinrou e no Tensei, Maou no Fukkan: Hajimari no Shou - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Ryunheit's Conquest

Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Fuew12: Yeah, him being all "I was human, but now I ain't. Fullstop." and "I do attack, so there will be casualties." and not whining around about that people died, is the more sympathetic side of him, but he is still a hypocrite in a way in my book. He acts so damn nice and talks as if he is reasonable, as if he did nothing wrong. "See, that won't be that bad." "See, we are also people." He didn't say, that what he did isn't wrong, but he surly acts that way. They attacked first. Guards died. It's the guards job to protect and their risk to die, I do understand that. I also see that MC's plan is going the conquering route with the least bloodshed. Jet still an attack is an attack and MC's attack still killed people, even if they are guards. They attacked because they simply wanted to dominate the human population in that town. (They still might have a legit reason though.)

I imagine an isekai'd MC turning up in a demi-human village and befriending the people there. Then, in chapter 12 or so, human soldiers invade it, killing 2 of the 12 guards (people MC might even have known) and force the village elder into surrendering. And afterward the commanding officer comes around and acts in the same way this MC acted and imposes the same rules. He might be a pretty fly guy, but that doesn't change the fact, that they did what they did. Now, if behind that demi-human somewhere in the woods, there is a military installation, in which sorcereres try to activate a mass killing curse, aimed at the human capital...now that's a different story.

Just because he didn't burn down that village and still has a purpose in mind for the humans, doesn't make him a decent guy, even if he tries to act like one.

Now look, how much I wrote again :( ... I don't disregard your opinion, but I don't agree on that hypocrisy thingy. :D

@banjomarx: I just tried (and failed) to sound ironically. The MC surly went lengths to make sure to mention it often enough, that he is not okay with being called this way.
Active member
Jul 9, 2019
Guess it is a 'lighter' version from the previous ones? Or is it a total re-release from a different artist?
May 31, 2019
Just call urselves dabidoo translations or something, and thankies for the chapter
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Nice seeing werewolves in leadership positions. It’s usually some highborn vampire nobility, and that’s been done to death
Dex-chan lover
Jun 9, 2018
The artwork looks like the contrast turned up to 100 and washed out all the light sources, shadow and also the background it seems...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Not really sold on how they portray Airia. Bit different from the novel, here she's much clumsier.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 8, 2019
@Qelix Hard to be in a war if you can't even attack, it's not as if him and his pack were some independent bandits or something, they are part of an army and he is being more considerate than even a human army would be.
Active member
May 22, 2019
@BalrogDeMorgoth Yep. There are pros and cons to the way the conquest happened. It will have a lot less bad blood involved, the city will go from newly conquered to fully functional much quicker, and they can keep their presence to a minimum with the cooperation of the existing government and their own ability to disguise themselves. However, by keeping the leadership intact they might see more rebellions, they have essentially put a death warrant on a good portion of the populace if they ever get reconquered, and I think they will run into some issues with the demon army questioning the method.
Dex-chan lover
May 25, 2018
@Qelix for all seriousness since i more remember how the event go with LN than this manga that kinda sliped my mind herw 😅 with how this manga kinda fluffy like this of course you get impresion like his act something like that, there some part in this manga adaptation that make it kinda light hearted compared to LN and other adaptation also veight understood what he did and the reason why he offer surrender also for both benefit be it long term (like what i said earlier) and sort term which is to minimalize the casuality his own corps recived since all werwolf in his unit is his neighbor or childhood friend, i dunno if you also think thinking for well being of your own people as hypocrite or not, offering your enemy surrender also valid act since this will lower casulity in your own armys and enemies since his objective is to capture. I might be wrong but i think you might think mc kinda nochalant about the casuality but that far from the truth mc after everything calm down mc even help using his healing magic to injured human soldier and arrange reimbusment(might be wrong word) for dead family
Jan 16, 2020
The tone differences are kind of jarring.
He just killed several of your guys who you presumably know and presumably have families, and we jump straight to being all smiles and giggles.
I could understand being reasonable and negotiating to minimize casualties but wouldn't instantly become best friends like they seemingly have.
He snuck in by under-handed tactics to begin with, and the humans as of yet haven't been presented as some horrible people who should've been expecting to die.

Imagine if the Nazis came to your town killed a few guys and overwhelmed you to the point of an instant surrender. Then Hitler walks up with your mayor and tells you "Hey dudes we're not that bad, we can all be friends" and everybody stands around laughing and joking.

Honestly i'd prefer if he was a complete jerk who was just slightly merciful rather than walking up smiles and jokes acting like their buddy.

I'm not saying that the concept itself couldn't work, just the tone its presented in seems all wrong to me.
Especially with the girl who seems to fall for him immediately, if their town has any kind of resistance group she should be the first target.
She should feel at least a little like a traitor for not dying alongside her men even if she presumably minimized casualties.

The last soldier had the right idea (in terms of realistic emotion) avenging his friends, was disappointed when I realized he only aimed at her by accident, since aiming at her deliberately would've shown more writing depth and deeper motivations, consequences of her decision, etc.

Yeah i'm probably reading too much into a cheesy romance series, will give it a few more chapters to see where they're going with this.
Dec 9, 2019
Hey if you need some help I'm an artist looking for some work to do as fun and I'm in the middle of learning Japanese. If you want to contact me send me a message on my Twitter @clockwork_stuff
Double-page supporter
Dec 29, 2018
Thx for finally scanlating this manga after it was dropped one chapter in 8 months ago lol
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
Thank you for your work, mysterious strangers.

..how about "Fox and Wolf" as group name? XD

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