I mean, his face is pretty obscured in that photo. All I can see is a part of his eye and hair. That could be mistaken for anyone with that haircut, and it’s not like she herself wouldn’t be embarrassed. She doesn’t look particularly disgusted or forced in the picture. She could do a lot better with the blackmail. If anything the chain of messages, phone calls, provocative pictures in the messages, and situations they’ve been in as adult male and unrelated high school girl is a LOT more incriminating.
Still, I’m waiting for something to make me like this. I thought the whole “slave” thing was just an excuse for her to be with the guy she’s interested in and to make him enjoy life more and stop being a corporate slave, but chapters like this just make her feel like another headache and drive home the fact that she’s blackmailing him (totally illegal) and only causing him problems. I would have liked this if she made him take a break or refuse overtime or something. I really thought the “slave” thing would be just to have him make more healthy and better life choices for an overall more happy life where he isn’t worked to death in his 20s (or whatever age he is). I actually thought it’d be more like another manga I read about a bubbly friendly Gyaru just striking up a really good friendship with a corporate slave and reminding him what fun is.