Guys guys guys, it shows with the "action" lines that Johnny's horse ran and jumped up near the window, kinda launching him upwards off the horse to grab onto the window ledge with his strong arms (Gyro said it, not me) and hoist himself up.
Im sure it'll look dope in the anime when they announce it later this year 😁
Also, Johnny rizzin' up Hot Pants! He even pulls her shirt down/grabs by her breasts lol. And looks at her lips. Asks her about being in love. Totally intentional scene of him "hitting on her." So suddenly too, when she's in trouble lol. Guess he does have that dog in him. Lol
I gotta be honest, that Civil War stand at the end looks DOPE.
Also, for the cover- I love the Diamond is Unbreakable/ Part 4 reference with Johnny pointing up at the sky.
Araki has a lot of these reference poses to DIU around this part. Idk why- but Im totally here for it.