JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 7: Steel Ball Run (Official Colored) - Vol. 24 Ch. 95 - World of Stars and Stripes - Outro

Sep 15, 2020
Obviously the best part, waiting for the anime adaptation. I hope to be well by 2024. Arigato, Gyro.
Jun 10, 2020
This is AMAZING! Can't wait for this and pt 6 to be animated. Easily one of my fav. Can't believe that kid died of cold. Can't believe valentine didn't just put the corpse then kill johnny, but then again, we won't get to see pt 7 ZA WARUDO.
Oct 29, 2020
i guess the ending was really realistic, i should say. steel ball run gave the most emotion out of all jojo season, excluding season 8. well i cant say im satisfied with the ending, with pocoloco being the winner and gyro's death, but i guess it's a good ending, as everything was over at the very least. thanks to araki and the colouring team for this wonderful roller coaster ride of a story.
Oct 26, 2020
The ending was so unsatisfying I can’t stop crying he literally died for some random kid and then the random kid died of a cold Johnny didn’t even place in the race and earned pretty much nothing I still have no idea why he can all of a sudden walk again I really wish gyro and Johnny won and everyone was happy and I’m still super sad and depressed about part 6 even part 3 Araki gives me depression someone help I and crying so god damn much my body is going to dry up like a raisin I still hate Johnny’s dad and want to set him on fire jojo endings always suck cause you never know what happened to the mc and I still really love jojos and have based my entire personality and everything I do on it jojos has taken over my life and I can’t stop crying Araki always kills my favourites and gives no happy ending gyro was so nice and funny and he shouldn’t have died and Johnny didn’t get anything at all the ending was so stupid and I wanna die
Sep 10, 2020

totally gonna explodes when this gets animated just like shigechi
Nov 14, 2020
This was one awesome part, I especially loved seeing Dio appear near the end with ZA WARUDO, it rose my blood pressure to its highest point and I was just jumping in excitement and anticipation. All the characters were lovely, the story was breathtaking, the finale was a bit unsatisfying because a lot of my favorite characters died and some dumb random background character won the race, but overall, this whole part was truly a roundabout and an incredible experience. Arigato Gyro, and arrivederci.
Active member
May 7, 2020
17/11/2020 Certainly was a wild ride. Such a bittersweet ending too. I was not too pleased by the ending, but damn this is the best jojo part of all time for me. Absolute masterpiece. Jojo constantly reminds you this isnt some shitty series with nakama power and all that crap, it gives you a dose of reality in every part. Ariverderci, gyro my guy. See you guys in jojolion!
May 2, 2020

Arigato, Gyro

This part was amazing. I guess it's my third or forth most beloved part (After Part 6, 5 and 4)

truly amazing
Sep 1, 2020
11/19/2020 4:00PM
oh yeah, and since diego/dio is dead.. RIP BOZO BAHAHA! STOP BOTHERING THE JOESTARS!😹👎
all jokes aside, i seriously love this part. easily my favourite. thank you guys for being your usual funny selves in the comments. and thank you, mr. hirohiko araki <3!!

i came into this part thinking i would hate it, cuz 19th-century western story settings never really struck out to me and horse races bore me. my expectations were so low but by the first few chapters, i was blown AWAY. the characters were amazing. the art was AMAZING. you can really see how araki's art changed. it's really hard to pick a favourite from this story as they were all so different and cool in their own way. although johnny seriously stuck out to me, johnny started off weak but eventually evolved. the character development is amazing. gyro.. was absolutely perfect. i definitely see the hype around him now. also, i can't believe y'all really lied to me and said that funny valentine did nothing wrong 🧍‍♀️ mans did EVERYTHING WRONG!

the ending was certainly something though. with that kid that got gyro in this mess in the first place dying, i kinda just went 🤨😧. and johnny gaining the ability to stand again.. i hate to say it but it felt like fanservice. that trope with the disabled character suddenly gaining use of their useless organ always has me like 😐. not only that but i was getting really on board with the idea of a disabled jojo. but i guess it's supposed to show how much a tragic hero johnny is. overall, this part was absolutely BEAUTIFUL. it's just lovely.

so.. i guess i'll catch y'all in jojolion's comment section?
Sep 29, 2020
I'm so sad that this is the end because this was definitely my favourite part so far. I can finally see why so many people praise it. I was unsure about it at first, but after a few chapters I got hooked and couldn't stop reading. The story was amazing, but what I enjoyed the most were probably the characters, Johnny and Gyro are my favourite characters from JoJo now and I'm gonna miss them so much (as well as the dinosaur boy, Diego). Of course the art was also gorgeous and I have so many screenshots so I can look at my favourite panels any time I want. Although I'm probably gonna re-read this part at least once before the anime comes out.
I think I need a little break from JoJo manga right now but I'm really excited to start Jojolion next.

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