@Ironclad I said truth serum, as in Pentothal or similar psychoactive drugs. I think the guy would probably fall asleep before uttering much with ether.
@Kirin-kun Yes, pentothal is a barbiturate, a sedative. It's all about the dosage and patient sensitivity. Some people can get severe sedation from just taking an OTC painkiller with codeine.
Can confirm for codeine painkillers sedation effect. They left me quite drowsy and unable to safely drive, do basic maths or even focus enough to understand what I'm reading.
@Harvester of course, the only interesting thing about the MC is being a vet and the story hasn't done much with that. He's uninteresting and spineless besides that.
Well, there's also the griffon, not-quite-rabbit, and Chloe, except they seem to have fallen by the wayside. And whoever his sponsor is, that I don't even remember anymore.
It wouldn't help his case if he kills the people who has influence/control in their respective guilds. The guild representatives can be replaced and then he has to deal with new people then. They might fracture or split up which then end up with him having to "negotiate" with more people.
That brilliant smile. Who needs dark magic. The face full of disappointment was nice too.
The negotiation was basically "What about last silver coin?" - "We're ripping you off".
He should buy Kuina as well. That girl is competent in things Shingo can handle only barely. Plus she's not burdened by the Japanese servile mentality that prevents Shingo from dealing with difficult, arrogant people.
They're competent at what they do, do you believe that their underlings are any less vicious? You'd have to cull their employees rather thoroughly if you want to have a clean start, and It's not like you can just kill off everyone, take over their businesses and expect it all to be running smoothly.
Knowledge and ignorance... Both are scary, but Kuina beats it all.
@Serkket "You know, that thing that seems to be functioning but a bit defective? Why not just kill the functioning bit of it, that'll solve all your problems." is what I heard from your statement.