The problem isn't that MC is weak, it's that he doesn't really have anything going for him. Actually most of the cast is pretty unlikable, though the teacher is alright.
He's emotionally unstable and constantly needs peptalks, then he endlessly keeps looping from headstrong to sulking.
Another point of frustration is that he's not really lacking in power and his magic is very versatile but our MC never uses it in any smart ways.
The underdog MC that despite lacking raw power, manages to scrape by thanks to tactics and guile.
- This can be a fun concept.
The underdog MC that despite possessing a strong power, keeps failing because he's a bipolar dumdum that tries to bruteforce everything.
- This is not.
As an aside, why would people discriminate against wandless people that can use magic? Relying on a catalyst is only a weakness that can be exploited and with all the weird things people have as wands, determining whether someone has one or not is next to impossible.