When I watched Endgame, the part where Blackwidow and Hawkeye fight echoer to sacrifice themselves was never impactful for me and I actually believed it was kind of funny, then I realized it's because none of them are actually essential to the story, so it was a fight of who was more useless in my head.
So this is the same but 5 people instead. We already got rid of the useless cop and I'm guessing we get rid of the other useless cop. But man, it's difficult to figure who would do less impact at this point.
Also, that girl saying "you saved me so many times, so I'm just burned out" it's so weird I can only take it as a direct feeling from the author as this girl has done nothing the whole story and even though it seemed she had a purpose, the author forgot it and now just wants to get rid of her, LOL.