Oh im well aware, ive been penalized in the past for saying similar things. Genuinely dont understand why we, as a society, dont hunt child predators for sport. I hear, at least here in the US, that the current administration might be looking into changing the law around child sex crimes to require a mandatory death pentalty. Hopefully this will become the case, though only time will tell.
Oh and i do appreciate the child predators outing themselves by replying with reactions. Your profiles have been noted
My issue with death penalty is that it's final. Considering the amount of people condemned, some executed, and discovered 10 years or more later they were completely innocents, is this a risk we are willing to take as society (this is a more broad thought unrelated to the discussed crime)? The only way we would be sure is either absolute proof or the caught of the culprit in the act.
I understand the emotion, but we need to respect the proper boundaries of justice, rights that ,albeit still fallible and perfection-able, we conquered after an extremely long time with an extreme amount of blood spilled. Neglecting this boundaries, neglecting the state of right, we become no better then beasts.
Also Predators don't equals with pedophiles. You don't actually need to be attracted to be a child predator, and not all pedophiles are actually going to abuse children, some are actually despising themselves for it and do seek professional help.