OH GOD IINO NO! ...Whew. Thank god Ishigami was there.
No, seriously. At this point, it's not about some silly ship that's been building anymore. It's about the fact that I'm worried Miko is gonna end up in a Lifetime movie if Ishigami isn't in her life. A while ago, I saw someone meme by pasting her face on the first page of Emergence (don't look it up), and the feasibility of that scares me.
@Tarage Never before has someone stolen the words from my mouth so precisely before.
By all accounts, the Tsubame thing is going to end as a bust. It's okay though, because Ishigami is basically a harem protagonist with how many girls I could see a viable ship with. From the top:
Miko, Maki, Hayasaka, Onodera, Fujiwara...Okay, maybe Kaguya if she wasn't already in the primary ship.
Barring Hayasaka, who I just feel he has a compatibility with, our boy Ishigami has had nice interactions with everyone and a
lot of potential to tap into.