Ah, I think I understand. So the idea here is to cut out the unnecessary details like the guy was blackmailing people and the various other scummy shit that he did which would make the story appear outlandish to people, by keeping it just to an affair it becomes more believable. The rumor will be doubted by people since it's 'convenient' and it is happening so long after the fact, but that seems to be part of the plan, the people most likely to be skeptical of it will probably then also start to question the original rumor and may look deeper into things, either they'll pull out of things because there's nothing to go off of or they might stumble upon the truth, which in of itself could then spread with so many people theoretically looking for it, and by people finding out the truth for themselves the guy would lose the ability to control the narrative because they would have stumbled upon the truth because they doubted him. If someone informs the guy about this plan, he can't really do anything about it, if he fights it too hard that will make it look more true, and if he does nothing then people will play into the plan. The plan certainly has something to hang your hat on, and given that this is the top school around banking on the idea of having a lot of smart/skeptical people look into things isn't really unreasonable, on top of that there's not a whole lot else that could be done at this stage. This plan also wouldn't have worked coming from the student counsel because there's very few of them and they're very prominent so trying to force a rumor like that would be pretty easily exposed, meanwhile now we're having a lot of people from various groups who have basically nothing to gain (since most of them are about to leave) roped into believing this, they'll be able to spread it quite far and make it look organically since they each only need to tell a few people each, and just let things proceed naturally from there. Still a bit shaky in my book but they do recognize that, and I can't really think of a better way to try to set things up in a favorable way.