@Crusade I've never heard of Sons of God. Is it a Christian of Jewish thing? And I've just looked up a few sites in the internet about the word İblis' meaning. In Turkish it was as I knew, devil was the only meaning. The word itself comes from a root which means devil or calumniator (Turkish : İftiracı, İftira eden).
But it is the first time I've seen the term Sons of God and I don't think İblis means bitter or despair but I didn't look into it too much so I don't wanna just go badmouthing you.
The reason for Sons of God to be used may be the the story of devil in Islam. In Islam devil itself is a different being than angels, something like a different race and he is sent to hell because he has defied the orders of god but most of the people think that devil is an angel that defied the God which is impossible. Because angels in Islamic belief don't have wills.
Though I don't know. I am not an expert. I don't have any problems with her name, just feels very generic for me.