Kaifuku Jutsushi no Yarinaoshi

Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
Damn we've been warned already...

@Kcjpunk Well, about the 3 heroes...
Freya despises him cuz he's apparently really useless and she's a bit of a sadistic. Bullet/Brett (now I realize the TL Brett makes kinda sense) loves shotas as is gonna shown in the future. Blade also despises him for being an useless man.

About the king and the rest of the people, who knows, I agree that the author just went edgy mode and make Kearu's life miserable just cuz lol.

I read it quite a while ago and hasn't read the recent chapters past volume 7 or 8 cuz the TL was kinda dropped at the time xd
I think I gotta read it again lol
Feb 27, 2020
Up until the 9th or so chapter i was with him. He had legitimate reasons and had a reasonable blood lust with these monsters, but became the monster himself makes him become unlikable for me.
Aug 31, 2018
I feel like the rape and general sex pages, are just for the sake of sex. They don't even make sense anymore, is just horny energy all over again
Jan 21, 2021
@Nicinic yes, they did fuck him and use him and every nasty thing in the book... but then REVERSE! nothing happened! now they are just twisted individuals who could, theoretically, do wrong to the MC. When he decides to go ape shit on them before they even know who he is, the rotten individual changes sides. If he simply waited until the "heroes" took action against him in this new time line and THEN acted against them, the entire manga would actually have appeal to the crowd it was originally aiming for x.O; ya know, people old enough to purchase manga with mature content in it.
Jan 13, 2021
Looks like generic hated weak mc so I am edgy and unlikable and then I become powerful kinda manga and we have shield hero, arifureta and others already not sure if this is worth reading tbh just assuming on the first chapters
Jul 9, 2020
After reading up to the latest chapter, this entire manga is just one big vengeance power trip by a guy who has OP Abilities, how deep and meaningful (Sarcasm). I get that the author is going for the theme of how "evil" humanity can get, and then following this unlikable MC whose main goal isn't to correct that, no no no, instead he just wants revenge not justice.
He's not even remotely good, he's willing to turn women into living onaholes for the sake of his revenge. Also what the fuck is the levelling system, it just feels like a poor excuse the author made to allow the MC to have sex. What hell is "kill" heal, the definition of it is "(of a person or treatment) cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again." How the fuck can you kill someone with a healing ability, I would get it if all his abilities were supportive or boosting but nah. Also this guys could've walked away from this entire ordeal when he got his memories back, and prevented the village and his foster parents from being raped and killed entirely, instead he decided to go on an entire vengeance power trip, this guy could've been the king if he wanted to and then exact justice on the wrongdoings of the nobles and royals . I can understand the MC saying "You can hurt people easily because you have never experienced it yourself." but that doesn't give justification for you to genderbend the person, resurrect dead people and make them rape her and then kill her with a burning building, that's not justice.

Also all the characters are very shallow and one dimensional, I hate how the author portrays every person who is in power are evil people (including the MC), none of the characters have any real depth to make them enjoyable, they're all despicable. I can relate to the MC being used and abused since I've been there myself however It didn't make me have so much anger where I would want to rape the person or make them suffer for it, that's just revenge not justice. If the author wanted to make the world really edgy and realistic on how evil people can really get, then they should've shown the consequences of doing things for the sake of revenge and anger.

Overall: 4/10, this piece of shit is as bad as School Days but I bet the author won't kill off the MC, also most likely worse than Kiss X Sis and less enjoyable.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
"This is a heroic tale of one healing magician who became the strongest by using knowledge from his past life and healing magic."

What part of this main character can be described as heroic?
Dec 8, 2019
@bozonga its not worth it compared to those others. At least shield hero has some quality and character development, this here is a dumpster fire. If you want to read it for the sake of it being degenerate edgy garbage, then sure go ahead. Just don't expect quality like those other mangas you've mentioned.
Oct 5, 2019
He's not even remotely good

... that's kinda the point dude. he is a deranged maniac who went insane from years of torture.

or were you expecting a shining paladin with angel wings and a halo riding a white horse in a revenge porn snuff manga?

What hell is "kill" heal

i don't know bruh, maybe use your imagination? just hypothetically if the regular "recovery" heal works by accelerating how fast healthy cells multiply then maybe you could tweak that into a death touch by accelerating the spread of tumor cells that everyone has in their body? doesn't take much fantasy to come up with some coherent explanation.

That mage guy said that this healer's ability is something different entirely because it completely reverses the damage, like a time-rewind skill, rather than mending damage that has been already suffered. Which is why he can "heal the world" (rewind it to a previous state) in the first place. I think if you can suspend your disbelief enough to accept that ludicrous premise then the death touch, leech, shapeshift etc abilities aren't anything extraordinary in comparison.

Also, why are we analyzing the mechanics of a revenge porn borderline hentai doujin in the first place?

that's not justice

the entire pitch is deliberate and excessive vengeance of a deranged psycho, not justice. do you know why a judge can even claim to be just in the first place? because they are a third party, they are uninvolved in the dispute at hand. the MC isn't some champion of justice, he can't be in the first place, and he makes no pretense of being one.
Oct 24, 2020
I like how this got an anime adaptation but shit like dungeon seeker which is basically the same thing as this but with less nudity and rape is not getting an anime
Jul 11, 2019
Every character is so comically evil(including the MC to an extent) that its entertaining to see what new event the author will use to make you hate the new antagonist.
Dec 21, 2020
Why is there randomly two more translators? Bruh go do something else we already got LHTranslation doing good translations on time. (Edit was made after a person pointed out that I put the name of the uploaded instead of translator)
Mar 10, 2018
Of new chapters, /a/nonymous is the best one atm. Thank you guys. <3
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
Anime announcement for Kaifuku has been made, and then all these people want a piece of it, well guess what bitches?!?!

LH Translations was here first, and I as the Current Proof Reader Will get it out to you as soon as our Translator gets done with her part.

on a related note: these are the series that I have had a part in that have been made into Anime

Active member
Jan 14, 2019
@virtoo, Yes. It is both a Revenge story, and a (softcore) Hentai, in that order.

Softcore because there are no Detailed Dicks and Pussies to be shown, just the general shape and your imagination.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
Guys show some commitment ffs, LHT has by translating this for over 3 fucking YEARS!
Now you have multiple shitbags trying to poach and claim territory because the manga got an adaptation.
Please don't read from them, and stick to LHT uploads.
@ LHT you guys now need to pick up the pace if you got other scans trying to take your place you gotta work a bit faster on releases.
Mangadex mods should set some uploading standards; how the hell could you let folks upload on a title another scan has been doing consistently for years?

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