Then why do people stop translating?
Tbh, I hadn't even checked thoroughly if it was getting an offical TL since a quick google search didn't bring up immediate results I didn't spent more time in checking this. Apparently vol 1 and 2 are scheduled for end of May and mid July respectively. If they keep this pace, the 6th volume won't be released until March next year...
So I guess continuing the fan TL is fine, given that the next chapter is the last of vol5 and vol6 and 7 are already released in Japan. Vol 8 is scheduled to be released in about a month (11th June)...
That said, I try my best at keeping the TLing up but since I'm all alone for this project and I still have another series I regularily TL (not to speak of a real life, lol) I can't promise how frequent the releases will be. But I think even with me just doing 2 chapters a month we will be waaaay ahead of the offical release.
And to the question why do people stop translating: probably because of real life hitting hard. It takes a looot of time to TL and clean/redraw and typeset, so if someone drops a manga without any prior notice it's probably due to time issues