I hate this trope, so much. I thought Marika wanted to be in a relationship with Dariel? Wouldn’t she be fine with the guy who she’s clearly buttering up to seeing some of her body, if it meant getting closer to him? If not, it’s understandable that Marika might value her privacy, but when taking into consideration her happy-go-lucky demeanor and how carefully she’s been behaving around Dariel, it becomes clear that this trope of physical violence after he sees her boobs greatly contrasts with the personality that she’s had up to this point, and is not a good fit for the character, only exacerbating my hatred of this trope. (What person would react so strongly against someone they cared about? At most, I would imagine yelling and a large amount of embarrassment, not punching. It’s pretty unrealistic for any sane person to do this, especially for characters like Marika)