There are so many... So many factors to take into consideration about Kazuya. So many people are calling him "simp", but this kind of terminology is just pathetic... Just goes to show what Reddit and Twitter terminology does to your brain. Anyways, if that's really how you want to describe Kazuya before you go on to shit on this manga and this author, then that's quite convenient of you. It's so easy to just ignore that Kazuya has anxiety, shyness, and extremely low self-esteem which was also exacerbated by his peers. You attribute this manga's success to most readers being "simps", but in reality most men think exactly like Kazuya. When they see a girl like Mizuhara, they can't help but feel completely out of their league because of Mizuhara's talent, looks, and popularity with men. It's completely normal to be nervous around her if you don't have anything flashy to offer her. You can't just attribute MC's thoughts to being a "simp", because there's more to it than that. Besides, calling him a simp just completely ignores his intentions for renting her most of the time, which was to make his grandmother happy before she dies. Sure, there were "simp" reasons, like going out with her, but that's just to emphasize that MC needs more progression and is not quite where he needs to be yet.
However, this kind of explanation is wasted on people like you. You think that you're some hot alpha shit above every beta male on the planet because you shit on this manga, which is purchased by weak pathetic Japanese men, right? Yet, here you are, reading this comment and also this manga, on a site where Westerners such as yourself can read it without spending a single penny. Nevermind the people who put any effort into translating the manga. It's such a joy to just keep shitting on it all the time. Who's more pathetic, you, or the Japanese who pour their hard-earned money on the manga? At least they contribute something to society, you're nothing but trash who enjoys mocking others with a different taste and culture than yourself, also ironically digesting the content of the same men you love to mock, given that mangaka don't necessarily start out as popular in Japan either.